Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5

* Part 5 of 6 of the Sinister storyline *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5! In the previous installment, Silk spends quite a bit of time trying to fight off goblins in their secret Goblin Nation goblin lair while blowing off her coworkers, Mockingbird, and (accidentally; not her fault) Black Cat.

Eventually, the Goblin King shows up and says “ENOUGH, BITCHES!” He presents Silk with an opportunity to join the Goblin Nation to help vie for a perfect society, and when Silk refuses the goblins inject her with Goblin Juice and she becomes a dang goblin.

So, obviously, Silk will need help finding Goblin Antidote Juice and that mysterious electric hero that keeps showing up to save her will be just the guy to do it. And then it’ll be a celebration! TV dinners for all!

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5 [April, 2016]
Written by: Robbie Thompson

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5

Flashback to eight months ago when Black Cat and Silk were fighting eachother upon a rooftop during a sultry, dusky evening.

“Fight back!” Black Cat says, kicking Silk in the face.

“No. I’m here to join you. Not fight you,” Silk responds, sliding 19 feet across the roof.

“Why the hell should I trust you?”

“You shouldn’t.”

Well, that settles that! And – oh, there’s more.

“But you will.”

Oh snap, girlfriend! And it turns out Silk was right! Except for the part where she got dosed with goblin cum and now she’s one of them. That’s what we call “switching loyalties” in the business. The ice cream truck business.

Flashforward back to the present. Black Cat asks her faithful Shrike companion what may have happened to the girl. Was she infected? Shrike is like “Hell naw, dogg. She tried to sell me out to the Goblin King, guy!” and asks Black Cat what she even saw in Silk in the first place. Useless trash. Worse than useless trash! Useless piffle!

At the Fact Channel offices, Cindy’s coworkers grow concerned about the lack of communication and the lack of showing-up-to-work-at-all. They reiterate that the last thing Cindy told any of them was “Need background info on a Doctor Ajay Kapoor.”

“Where the hell is she? I’ve called twice. Twice! That’s two times too many.” Looks like J. Jonah Jameson needs his Cindy Moon! Her coworkers cover for her and Jameson leaves “satisfied”.

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5

Take a shot every time you hate Cindy Moon!

Mockingbird unmasked! She’s Bobbi Morse, and she’s annoyed with Cindy. Bobbi is in a bar with Super-Woman unmasked! That’s Jessica Drew, and she’s annoyed with Cindy. “Our protocols call for 12-hour check-ins. She hasn’t missed one until now,” says Bobbi.

“She’s way too inexperienced for this,” says Bobbi some more. “I shouldn’t have let her go undercover.”

Jessica slaps her friend and then shakes her violently and then slaps her again. Then says “you’re right.”

Finally, we check in at the Goblin Nation where the Goblin Silk is upending tables for no discernible reason. “That’s the spirit,” says the Goblin King.

Ol’ Kingy has a task for the newly anointed Goblin Silk: go kill Black Cat, m’kay? Thanks, chief.

Goblin Silk zips around town. While searching for the Cat of Blackness, she realizes she’s being followed…

It’s that mysterious electric twerp, and he tells her that she needs to stop. She goes “Die!” and lunges at him, but she’s no match for his mysterious electricness. “You need help… Cindy…”

Hearing her name snaps her out of it for the merest of the splittest of seconds, but then she takes a swing at him and demands that he leave her alone. She continues swinging around town while he stands there forlornly on the roof going “I’m sorry…”

Goblin King’s henchmen take him down to the library where they found Silk. “What was she looking for…?” he asks himself as he thumbs through a book he picked up off the floor. “Or rather… who was she looking for…?”


Shrike is trying to convince Black Cat that he is all she needs and that he’ll do everything great and awesome. She isn’t buying it, and she sees Goblin Silk barrel her way to the window behind Shrike.

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5

Take the present for example. You’re about to get shredded by millions of shards of broken glass! Tee hee.

Goblin Silk crashes through the window and starts pummeling Shrike with ease. “You said you can do more for me…” Black Cat says, sipping her drink while Shrike gets beaten to death. “Now’s a good time to start.”

After a nice whuppin’, Black Cat declares that it’s been quite enough and then kicks Goblin Silk out of the now-broken window. “Now, I know Goblin Nation is tempting,” Black Cat says, hooking and throwing Goblin Silk back into the building with CRACK against the back wall. “But green just isn’t a good color on you, kid!”

Black Cat is really good at the not-getting-hurt part of fighting. She ensnares Goblin Silk in her whip. “But I think we can win you back. First and foremost… with our health care plan…” she draws a syringe full of Goblin Antidote Juice! I knew it! She jabs Goblin Silk in the arm. She starts wailing like a member of Bob Marley’s band! Get it?!

“There. That’s better, isn’t it?”

Silk has been ungoblinified, but she looks like warmed-over shit. While she recovers on the floor drunkenly, Black Cat ensnares Shirke in her whip and starts punching him right in his sensitive tummy over and over. “All the tech we’ve been stealing helped me create an antidote for the imitation-brand goblin formula Phil Urich and his pathetic Goblin Nation is peddling!

Black Cat kicks Shrike in the face. “I needed a guinea pig. And I had a feeling you weren’t to be trusted, so… two birds with one stone.”

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #5

Throw him in the laundry brig.

Black Cat smiles at Silk. “Sorry about the last couple days, kid. But you did good. You’re in. You’re one of us now.”

Silk tries to stay standing, feeling like absolute dogshit. “I’m in? Great. So. Now what?”

Black Cat gives her best Elvis sneer. “Now? We burn Goblin Nation to the ground.”

Then they both have sex on the floor. The end.

Final Thoughts

So who am I supposed to be rooting for here? Black Cat or the Goblin Nation? Both are bad, right? Am I supposed to care one way or the other, or am I supposed to say “Oh geeeez, Cindy, you’re in quite a pickle either way, aren’t ya?!”

Well, I won’t say it! I won’t!

Pay Me to Eat Sandwiches

This bitch is living the dream.

I hate my job.

OK, well, I don’t hate it per se. I just, you know — I hate it!

Actually, that’s not entirely true. I don’t hate my job. I hate working. Oh god, do I ever hate working. I’ve held my current job for 13 years and the graph where the x-axis is time, and the y-axis is how hard it is for me to deal with, is a bell curve. That is to say, working sucked when I first started, it got easier for a bit, then it started to get harder, and now it sucks again.

As someone with crippling anxiety, I had the hardest time adjusting to the beginning of my career. For one thing, I had about $100 in my savings account when I got hired, so the pressure to perform competently during the honeymoon phase was staggering. Don’t forget that I went to school for engineering, which means I was expected to do engineering things in the real world. Do you know how much of a big ask that is? It’s incredible that I haven’t accidentally killed myself doing engineering things yet, so imagine how I must have felt during my first few months at my new engineering job. Scary.

On top of having to make money consistently so I didn’t starve to death, I had a hard time with a few shitty coworkers who made it their mission to fuck with me as a projection of their own insecurities. One time I called “300M” a stainless steel on a lab sheet and the 55-year-old supervisor told on me! What the fuck is that petty shit? Talk to me, you slut.

Don’t even get me started on my boss’ boss, who took me “under his wing” by not only giving me work that needed to be done immediately every single time, but by being a complete coked-up, hyperactive, impulsive, disorganized, and forgetful tyrant about it. Once I took a day off so I could move out of my crappy apartment and into another crappy apartment, and the guy texted me all day asking me questions as if I was in the office and able to answer them. I was like “You should know, shitfucker. You’re the one in charge.” Thankfully the dude hasn’t worked here for about 11 years. If he were still around I’d have quit pretty early on.

As I got used to my job and people stopped treating me like dirt with poop on it, things got easier. I required less oversight, my confidence talking to clients was built up, my projects were easier to set up and execute, and I was performing noticeably well. We got bonuses every month for our billings, I was able to actually afford things like a trip to Europe and an Xbox, and I was motivated to keep trying my best. That lasted a long time.

Slow your roll, bro! I haven’t even started talking about sandwiches yet!

I don’t know if it was the bout of depression that started in 2019 that I haven’t fully recovered from, but everything is hard now. My two kids take up a lot of my energy. My long commute has felt substantially longer lately. It’s cold right now. My workload bounces between oppressively high to boringly low with not much in between. Bonuses have been long gone for years, so there’s no incentive to push myself. I find it hard to care when I’ve got a pile of other things I’d rather be doing than work at my job: read books, watch movies and shows, take walks, write in my blog, maybe write a book, play video games — hell, I’d even rather do my chores and keep my house clean! My house looks like if the tornado from The Wizard of Oz took a shit in it, and I have no free time to devote to it.

I suppose what I’m saying is that I hate working because it feels like a waste of my time. I wish I had the capacity to get much more into Solo Roleplaying games. I have a novel in my head that I absolutely have no energy to parse and put to paper. I want to sit on my ass and playing video games for a three-hour stretch, which is something I haven’t been able to do since summers between school. I might even want to join a gym, a feat that seems so massively out of reach that it’s silly to even consider it.

I hate working.

Even Artificial Intelligence has something to say about sandwiches!

So I have a proposition for any sexy hiring managers that may be reading my blog right now. I assume you probably work for some giant corporation that willingly pollutes the Earth’s water and sky at a magnitude so unfathomable that the average person doesn’t even have calculators that go up that high. Ergo, paying me would be a drop in the bucket, right? Negligible. Here’s what I want to you to do: Hire me to eat sandwiches for $100,000 per year. Whoa, hold on, this is actually quite simple. Don’t argue yet! Just hear me out! Ready? PAY. ME. TO. EAT. SANDWICHES.

For $100,000 per year I will go to my kitchen at precisely noon and get out the bread, the turkey, the cheese, the mayonnaise, the lettuce, and the hot peppers. I will pick two perfect slices of bread and lovingly spread the mayonnaise on each piece, ensuring adequate coating. I will then place the turkey and cheese on one side, put it on a plate, and place it in the microwave for roughly 20 seconds. I will then spoon hot peppers on the other piece of bread, making sure that no oil from the hot peppers drips off. I will then daintily sprinkle shredded lettuce upon the bread slice. I will then place the two pieces together, creating a small stack of food that goes in this order from top to bottom: bread, mayo, hot peppers, lettuce, cheese, turkey, mayo, bread. I will then take my first bite; savoring the flavors, enjoying the mouthfeel, and sating my rumbling belly. I will keep taking bites until the sandwich is finished at precisely 12:06.

And you will pay me $100,000 per year to do this every day. I will even work on weekends. I don’t require a desk or office supplies. I will not request any vacation time. I will never call in sick. I will be the most loyal employee you have in your company of 90,000 people. I will always perform my duties competently and on time. I will even pay for my own materials. What do you have to lose?

In short, pay me 100,000 goddamned dollars per year to eat fucking sandwiches or I will kill myself.

Hello? Is anyone listening? I’m so lonely.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486 – “Heavy Metalhead”

* Part 4 of 14 of the Batman: Prelude to Knightfall event *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486 – “Heavy Metalhead”! In the previous installment of the Prelude to Knightfall story, Batman “thwarted” Black Mask by letting his imposter drown off the docks, which doesn’t help anyone. The False Face Society has been caught en masse and will be sent to prison after being charged with the crime of “hangin’ out with Black Mask”, basically. I don’t even think they committed any crimes! You should probably have them commit crimes before you convict and sentence them to prison. But I’m no college criminal justice major!

So now we likely move onto something else, but the overall theme of this story is that Batman is starting to suck at his job. Which is funny! Maybe Alfred can show him a thing or two, as he should, every single day. Even the stuff about fuckin’, ‘cause if anyone in Gotham fucks it’s Alfred.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486 [November, 1992]
Written by: Doug Moench
“Heavy Metalhead”

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486

“I failed, and my head’s still ringing with it,” thinks Batman as he skulks atop what looks like a capitol building. He let Black Mask get away. His cronies are imprisoned, but the leader is still at large. He may as well just tie up the ol’ noose right now and kill himself at the Chick-fil-A.

Not only did he fail miserably, but also and such, Batman’s nose won’t stop gushing blood. My advice is to eat some cookies and drink some orange juice, but Batman takes nobody’s advice about anything. “Here’s where the clitoris is, Bruce!” It’s like, fuck you bitch.

Down at the docks is a really seedy bar called Pheeney’s. A man clad in black with a spikey hood (METALHEAD, I PRESUME) asks the locals if they’ve seen anyone suspicious lately. Bat guy, wearing the bat cowl? The locals laugh at this dweeb wearing what looks like a Halloween costume, asks him if he’s the Great Pumpkin! Metalhead hates comedians, and he takes it out on a mug of beer by smashing it with one of his extendo-spikes. The guy with the beer gets up all “WHY I OUTTA” and Metalhead stabs him in the torso with his head, leaving the guy bleeding to death.

“For the third time… I’m looking for someone. I’m looking for… Black Mask.”

I guess I was wrong. I’d rather look for Batman, honestly. That guy has money to steal.

The patrons of the shitty bar are now scared out of their little wits. One tells Metalhead that Batman threw the fucker into the river about six hours ago. Another tells Metalhead that it wasn’t actually Black Mask that they fished out of the river. A third tells Metalhead sweatily to try Sharkey’s, all the degenerates and lowlifes love to hang out at Sharkey’s! Black Mask might be there, heh. You’d be in good company yourself! Heh heh.

Metalhead, satisfied, walks out. The stabbed guy keeps saying “I’m stabbed”. I’m tired of his whining and I will move on.

Bruce is playing Space Invaders in the Batcave. Alfred comes down to tell his honey to get some sleep, to which Bruce says “NO!” and kicks Alfred in the balls. “Very well, sir, I can understand self-imposed starvation and sleep-deprivation… but if your nose is broken–”

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486

You look like a dipshit, sir. At least let me get a band-aid.

Bruce, bleeding all over the fucking place, kicks Alfred in the balls again and tells him to leave him alone about his nose. He’s got work to do. Papers to shuffle. Salt to dig out of the mines. Leave him be.

Elsewhere, some Kurt Russell mullet head named Tim is visiting a Dr. Shondra Kinsolving about acupuncture. His father is responding well to hydrotherapy, so let him give the acupuncture a try, Tim. Eh, Tim? Tim.

“Dad hates needles,” says a hesitant Tim. An unsure Tim. A reluctant Tim. But he promises to try talking him into it…

Tim pushes his dad out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Daddy thinks Dr. Kinsolving is a miracle worker! He might actually get out of this wheelchair *checks watch* today! Well, pops, that’s great news, because she wants to shove a thousand needles into your tender flesh. Thoughts?

Bruce finds nothing in the files, reports, newspaper clippings, microfilm, documentaries, fortune cookies, or airplane advertisements about Black Mask. About Roman Sionis. About nobody and nuthin’. He puts on his cowl and decides to try looking in non-obvious places (just an excuse to play in the sewers again, honestly). Alfred is ready to serve his master tea and scones when Batman zips away in his Batmobile. Alfred scowls. Bruce does not care about Alfred’s feelings one bit, that’s for sure.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486

Did anyone order a little BDSM??

Metalhead enters Sharkey’s and asks around. He gets the same kind of guff he got at Pheeney’s, so he starts whipping around his spiked mace intending to fuck up a cunt or two…

Robin shows up to Wayne Manor looking for Brucey W., but Alfred says he’s already gone cavorting around town looking for Black Mask again. I learn that Robin is Tim, so there’s that uneventful reveal. Fuckin’ Kurt Russell mulleted nerd. Alfred is starting to get worried about Bruce because he hasn’t touched a meal in 17 days and he keeps howling about masks. It’s unsettling. He needs an exorcism.

On his way to “look for Black Mask” in the sewers, Batman hears a radio broadcast about a mystery metal-headed Metalhead terrorizing tough guys in bars. Batman is like “huff, another one already?”

Robin and Alfred continue to have a little chat about Bruce. Some armchair psychology. The guy just won’t quit, won’t stop. He keeps pushing himself and pushing himself. Maybe it’s because his PARENTS DIED lol, but something else is going on. Normal people go bowling and shit in their spare time. Bruce has decided to do dangerous things instead. “Things which have begun to prey on him,” Alfred says. “Perhaps even… control him.”

Oooooh, scary. Yawn. What’s next? Batman enters Sharkey’s where people are bleeding. He’s told some Spikey Man is looking for Black Mask. Some guy said Black Mask might be in a cemetery. The dude just kept hacking and slashing, though! Wouldn’t laugh at any of the jokes about him at all! Terrible sport, that guy.

The Sionis Family Crypt! Of course! *Batman music plays* “Nowhere else to go. And I feel dead anyway,” says Batman. Ok, then.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486

Look at these guys with heads full of brains. Bruce Wayne is as complex as a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.

Robin and Alfred keep talking, and it’s a really inane conversation. Batman isn’t out for revenge, necessarily, he’s out to stop injustice. It’s compassion, not revenge. And he’s obsessed because Bruce has no self-control. He should join a bowling league, but he won’t. He’s just going to keep being Batman because he doesn’t know how to do anything else at all whatsoever.

Batman’s nose keeps bleeding as he drives up to the crypt. He recognizes the fact that he’s hungry and tired, but he won’t give up now. “Sleep is an unnecessary crutch,” he says stupidly. “The stiffness and soreness only makes me want to punish my muscles more, stretch them to their limits… Got to beat my weakness, not surrender to it.” And he thinks it’s working! He actually thinks he’s alert and fast and sharp and cunning!

Batman trips over a pebble and falls down a well; dies.

Batman walks into the crypt and a voice behind him declares that he’s looking for someone. Then, without warning, Batman gets hit in the hand with razor-sharp spikey spikes.

They both share a common goal: finding Black Mask. But while Batman wants to pin him to the floor and impale his butt with a flagpole, Metalhead wants to join his merry gang of masked folk. And since Batman wants to bring him down, well, that makes him an enemy innit?

So they fight. They fight and fight. They fight and fight and fight and fight. Too bad Batman is stinky and tired, he’s really losing miserably. Getting all cut up and sliced like a ham. Like an oversized, sad ham. “I will not give up!” he keeps saying to himself like an overconfident ham.

Alfred and Robin drive up to the crypt in Alfred’s unmarked child-molestin’ van. They find Batman victorious, somehow, and when asked who the man behind the spikey mask was, Batman goes “LET THE PO-LICE SORT IT OUT!”

But it wasn’t Black Mask, so Batman still thinks he failed.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #486

Kick him over a canyon while he’s not looking! Quick!

“Maybe Black Mask isn’t down, but you stopped him – and when he makes his next move, then we nail him, right?” asks Robin, desperate to talk some sense into his mentor. Batman thinks on that for a second, but he’s so, so tired… “M-Maybe you’re right…” Batman concedes, nose still bleeding.

So Robin hoists Batman up so he can take him back home and get him into his jammies.

Final Thoughts

This Batman guy just won’t give up until someone forces him, huh? It’s like “HEY! YOU’RE BLEEDING EVERYWHERE! LIE THE FUCK DOWN AND WATCH GOLDEN GIRLS!”

And Bea Arthur is the goldenest girl of them all.

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4

* Part 4 of 6 of the Sinister storyline *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4! In the previous installment, Cindy does the usual stuff like beat up bad guys and visit her brother and speak to a therapist about her many mental health issues. Eventually, Black Cat orders Silk and Shrike to go find the secret Goblin Nation underground city, and they do, and they infiltrate it, and Shrike betrays Silk, and now Silk is in the middle of a Goblin Nation underground city training grounds about to get her ass whooped by a thousand angry goblin kids!

Sounds like another Sunday to me! Wubba lubba dub dub!

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4 [April, 2016]
Written by: Robbie Thompson

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4

Silk spends some time reiterating her sob story while fighting off goblins. Trapped in a bunker. Became a hero. Working for Black Cat. Betrayed by Shrike. Yada yada. She gets clubbed in the head, but it doesn’t affect her at all even though a normal person would be drooling from brain damage immediately. “FYI, it’s impossible for me to say ‘underground lair’ and not sound it out like Dr. Evil. Do kids today still know who Dr. Evil is?” That’s a little shoutout to the millennials who read comic books! Why make billions when you can make millions? Ha ha. Party on, Garth.

A goblin grabs Silk’s hair and demands that she bows to the Goblin King! Silk says “nuh-uh.” Then she gets thrown to the floor, and the last thing she ever sees is five angry, tough, sneering goblins standing over her ready to gut and lacerate and disembowel…

But then a flash of blue light saves the day! It’s the guy with the thing. He helped her in Issue #1. Electric Man Who Disappears Sometimes! Who is this mysterious… rather dashing… stranger?

Am I ready for an image yet? No?

How about now?

How about now?






NOW, goddamnit?!”



Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4

You’re giving me some strong Joss Whedon vibes there, Robbie Thompson. Hopefully not in a sexual harassment way, though.

The mysterious helper is actually pointing to a vent for escaping. “C’mon, Nameless Dude!” Silk says as she webs her way up into the vent. However, Nameless Dude gets swarmed by damnable goblins. “Go,” he says in green writing. According to Silk, the voice sounds like an echo within an echo. Creepy.

Go is what she does. She crawls and slithers through the vent, finds another opening, knocks a guard unconscious, and steals his helmet. “Is there a word for being under-undercover?” she thinks. “Does it rhyme with ‘This will probably end in tears and/or death’?”

I’m glad that Silk finds time to be cutesy amidst certain peril! She is able to blend in, sorta, while goblins file to the Battle Room, which is under siege. “The Battle Room is under siege!” one of them yells. See?

Silk peeks into many rooms until she finds what she’s looking for: a giant library filled with evil-looking tomes and homeless people sleeping at desks. You know, like a real library. She plucks a random book off the shelf and finds pages filled with pictures of kids with stickers showing their names and DOBs. “The Goblin King has been finding at-risk teens and bringing them in,” she says out of nowhere. “If there’s a record of every name, though… that means…”

She quickly figures out that her brother Albert would also be in the book, and she finds his record. And according to that record, he was homeless – on his own – for two fuckin’ years! Two years! Her mom and dad disappeared two years before Albert was taken in? Silk starts tearing up and has a regularly scheduled flashback.

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4

I guess what I’m saying, Cindy, is that you’re wasting my time with this Boring Bonding Before Bunker shit.

Cindy and Mr. Moon prepare to go ice skating. They hold hands while lazily skating around the rink. “What are you going to do, Dad? Once that door closes?” she asks. Dad’s going to help Mom, obviously, numbnuts, with the cure she’s trying to make to cure your weird spider problems with a cure. Dingus. They’ve got a cavalcade of doctors and scientists on the mission as well. Cindy is pessimistic, but Dad says that Mom is so darn stubborn that she’ll stop at nothing to find a cure. Even if she has to mix 7up with Sprite to see if that works, which it might, but that’s on the list below hydrofluoric acid.

Those other doctors and scientists? Cindy is racking her brains to try to remember the names so that she can text her coworkers in case she doesn’t get out of there alive. Speaking of which… CLUNK!

Nah, just kidding. A few goblins open the door to the library and go “You do not belong in here.” Eep. CLUNK!

Just kidding. No clunk yet. But Silk’s friends sit at the bar disgruntled. “I don’t believe it. Cindy totally bailed on us. And she texts some rando name for us to research for a story?”

The name is Ajay Kapoor and he’s going to be related to the mysterious electric superhero guy. His dad or something. Or the teacher the mysterious electric superhero guy was sleeping with when he was in high school.

And Mockingbird is trying to get ahold of Silk, gritting her teeth that the spidery lass isn’t picking up the phone.

And Black Cat? Also mad that Silk is MIA. Shrike is like “I ‘unno what happened!” but more like “Silk ran away when the going got too tough, and she’d rather flick her bean than to do what it takes, and I’m sorry Black Cat, but she ain’t one of us and she never was nor will she ever be, and do you have any S’mores Pop Tarts?”

Silk beats up the goblins. More show up to fight. Ho hum.

Eventually, the Big Cheese breaks things up. The Goblin King himself enters the room and puts the kibosh on all the foofaraw. “This is no way to treat an honored guest. Welcome, Silk, to the GOBLIN NATION!”

*balloons and noisemakers get passed around*

Silk doesn’t want a warm welcome! She wants to kick some goblin taint! The Goblin King tells her that he doesn’t want her all softened up and hurt.

Silk (Vol. 2), Issue #4

She says as she fucks Spider-Man and makes him breakfast and copies a key for him and gets married and has kids and yells about who is supposed to change the diapers that day.

Goblin King just wants to give the woman a tour, is all. Show her the ropes. “I know you and your boss, Black Cat, think of me as a rival. And while it’s true our paths have crossed, I don’t view you and yours in the same light.”

“You see, I’m building something,” he continues.

“On the backs of child labor and crime,” observes Silk.

“My dear. What nation wasn’t built on those?”

Of course, Goblin King tells her that he’s giving these kids a better life here. A purpose and whatnot. “Soon we will be above ground and above board,” he says. “Nothing can stop us. Anything that stands in our way… will be destroyed.”

Here’s the bombshell: he would like Silk to join them! Goblin eats and goblin games! Silk doesn’t accept. This shit sucks, honky. So the Goblin King snaps his gobliny fingers and two henchmen seize Silk and jab her in the neck with a syringe filled with what looks remarkably like piss.

Then she turns into a goblin! “HAIL TO THE GOBLIN KING!” she bellows.

I’d post a picture of her transformation here, but it’s too scary for the kids!

Final Thoughts

Goblin Silk is kinda hot, yo. MORE LIKE GOBLIN MUH DICK. Sorry.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485 – “Faces of Death”

* Part 3 of 14 of the Batman: Prelude to Knightfall event *

Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485 – “Faces of Death”! In the previous installment of the Prelude to Knightfall story, all of Wayne Industries’ property starts burning down to the ground one-by-one and Bruce speculates that it’s the work of Roman Sionis, a wimp of a man with a penchant for arson who lost everything he ever had and seeks twelve kinds of revenge!

This guy is out for blood for sure, and he intends to lure Batman by way of his fresh new hostage Lucius Fox. If it’s a war Batman wants, then it’s a war Batman gets!

Robin’s also in these issues, much to everyone’s major disappointment.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485 [October, 1992]
Written by: Doug Moench
“Faces of Death”

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485

“Why me?” Fox cries, blood pouring out his nose. Glasses broken. Hairline receding. Two answers to this sad little “why me?” question: 1) he made Black Mask lose face, so to speak, and 2) his blood makes perfect warpaint. Does that answer your question at all? Too bad.

Fox doesn’t understand because he’s Batman’s biggest dullard friend, apparently. Black Mask tells him to stop being a moron. Black Mask was Roman Sionis and Fox fucked his world up. By… uh… bailing him out? Yes! And then stacking the Janus Corp. with Bruce Wayne’s men!

Bruce, horribly disguised as one of Black Mask’s henchmen, stands there awkwardly rigid and feels that he might have to blow his cover soon to save Fox. I think he should just watch the carnage. Maybe he’ll learn a thing or two about how to actually torture someone!

“Wh- What… do you want?” snivels Fox.

“Other than ruling Gotham as its new crimelord, Mr. Fox, there’s only one thing I want…”

It’s pussy.

“The absolute destruction of the Wayne empire followed by the painful death of Bruce Wayne himself.”

Ah, well, that’s easy. Roll his flabby ass out here and we’ll make sure he’s pumped full of fentanyl and poisoned ice cream.

But no, Fox tells Black Mask to go to hell. Black Mask is about to pull out his little pea shooter when Ugly Circe stops him in his tracks. “NO! If he’s dead, Black Mask, he’s no use to you – and Bruce Wayne won’t even care.”

Financial directors are a dime a dozen! Bruce can find another one working behind the cash register at Safeway. While Black Mask compliments Circe on her good idea, Bruce continues standing like a constipated zebra trying not to blow his cover and intervene.

Black Mask instructs Skullface (Bruce) to escort Fox into the Mask Room with the help of Tattoo (Not Bruce).

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485

War! War war war! How about get a hobby, psycho.

In the Mask Room, Bruce whispers loudly to Fox that he’s actually Bruce and that he should relax, guy. He’ll get him a snack and a Superman comic book soon. Outside the room, he tells Black Mask that he knows some pretty nifty torture tricks, which Black Mask agrees to let him use tomorrow night. Like pulling a rabbit out of his butt. Tricks like that. For now, it’s almost 10 o’clock. Time for the “meet”. A real man’s night out. Group howl. Running naked through the woods.

At Gotham Police Headquarters, Robin is talking to Gordon about the abduction of Lucius “Fancy Pants” Fox. Robin tells him that Batman is with Black Mask right now, and Gordon is like “What the fuck, son? I could’ve sent my fatass cop friends to bust the place up”. Robin tells Gordon to hold his beautiful horses; Bruce wants to learn all he can from the inside, take down the whole operation. Real clandestine stuff. He even told Robin to go home and stroke his schlong for a few days. Sit this one out. No one needs you, kid.

“But what if he’s forced to make a move alone?” Gordon asks. Robin says he’ll take care of it (which gives Gordon the most severe drop in his stomach you could possibly imagine) and fucks off into the night.

The “meet” is at a seedy bar called Sharkey’s. A bunch of masked thugs are enjoying some brewskies and an Edmonton Oilers game on the telly while Tattoo tells all the monkeys to cork it and listen up: no more arson for now. Let’s move onto extortion, hijacking, drugs, making some money so they can get clout and then shut down Wayne Industries with all their dirty money. And get some hookers on the side. And some new video games. And a pizza.

Suddenly, a couple of wiseguys start griping about the masks. “Why do we gotta wear these dumb things?” one asks, causing Bruce to smile behind his own shitty mask. “A revolt – interesting to see how he’ll handle it…”

This is how Tattoo will handle it:

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485

This one’s for askin’ ‘bout da mask! And this one here’s ‘bout askin’ ‘bout da mask some more! And this one here…

Tattoo reiterates that Black Mask is in charge and that tall drink of water tells them all to wear masks, so wear the fucking masks. Capisce? Now “meet” at Sharkey’s tomorrow, same time, for more specifics and for nickel martini night. Go Oilers!

Later, Tattoo gets asked by Black Mask what he thinks of Skullface (that’s Bruce, remember!), and Tattoo tells him that the fucker asks too many questions. Someone should teach him a hard, board-with-a-nail-through-it lesson…

Robin later tells Batman that he rigged the windowpane of Black Mask’s lair with a transmitter so he can hear every thrust of his dick into Circe’s ravaged nethers. Robin warns Batman that Black Mask’s group is getting wise to him, but Batman disagrees even after Robin insists that they’re all suspicious of Skullface. Batman tells the kid to put a sock in it and go stroke that schlong, citizen! Or, rather, keep those headphones on and let him know if they start pounding Lucius Fox’s face into raw hamburger meat. Batman out.

In Gordon’s smoke-filled office, Jimmy talks to his bride-to-be Sarah about his relationship with Batman some more. As you recall, Sarah doesn’t trust Batman as far as she can throw him and she can throw a shotput from Manitoba to Alberta (Go Oilers!). Batman opens the window behind Gordon and makes himself at home. Sarah gets up and walks the hell out of there.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485

I’ll be playing pool at Sharkey’s and eating chicken wings, Commissioner. And no one’s going to stop me!

Batman vows to bring down Black Mask ASAP. Gordon points out that Batman refuses to share where and how he’ll be bringing Black Mask down. Batman tells him his primary objectives are to save lives and bring down bad guys, and if you’ve got a problem with that you can speak to Mr. Fist! He’s Batman’s old buddy Frank Fist, and he handles the books. Got it?

Batman returns to the roof where Robin is eavesdropping on Black Mask’s sexual moaning. “I’ll take over now – you’ve got sleep and school,” says Batman, taking Robin down a peg. Robin protests like a whiny baby for about two panels before shoving off and leaving Batman with the headphones.

Another night and day with little or no sleep while problems smolder and multiply on Bruce Wayne’s desk… It’s not age, so maybe it’s simply the effects of too much time put in. Maybe sustained and prolonged stress is the one thing no man can train himself to overcome. And maybe there’s a limit to how much evil and madness anyone can endure within a never-ending maelstrom of gunpowder, blades, and blood. But one thing’s for certain… tomorrow night will be… something.”

Thank you, helpful narration! You really petered out at the end there, though. And here I am at the edge of my seat! We gotta keep this show rolling!

The next morning, Batman is dressed as Skullface still staking out Black Mask’s lair. Robin shows up with his HIP SUNGLASSES and insists on taking over. Bruce is like “fine” and lies down for two winks. About fourteen nanoseconds go by before Robin wakes him up. Bruce is woozy and wobbly. Perhaps he’s coming down with something? No matter! He’s here to save Lucius Fox, and if he ruptures a brain vessel in the process then so be it.

Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485

It’s basically just 1 part baking soda, water, yellow dye #5, chamomile tea, and 99 parts fluoroboric acid.

Black Mask nudges Skullface (that’s Bruce, remember??) to use his special waterproof makeup! In a diluted concentration, it turns the wearer into a hideous beast like Circe here. *points* Look at that sexy, melted face! Now, Fox, spill everything you know about Wayne Industries’ security system and forces or Skullheadface is going to outfit you with an Ouchie Mask. You feel me?

Fox says “aw hell naw”, and is about to get stuck with mask when Skullface (BRUCE!) leaps over to them and kicks the mask out of Black Mask’s hands with a PAFT. Robin overhears Tattoo call Skullface a cop. Tattoo judo chops Bruce’s neck and starts tearing off his disguise! Black Mask recognizes that dashing young man at once! Time to take out his shooty gun and fill his face full of–

“NOOO!!” Circe knocks Black Mask’s gun arm over to the right a few inches as he shoots, killing no one unfortunately. Bruce lets off a stinky smoke bomb and leaps out the window, using Lucius Fox’s head to smash it into pieces. lol.

Bruce is going back in, Robin! Take Fox and Circe to the hospital forthwith! He’ll distract the goons until the police arrive to eat donuts and kill black people for no reason! Move move move move move!!

Black Mask continues shooting all willy-nilly in the smoke-filled room. Tattoo moves Black Mask out of the building just as Black Mask drops his gun! Evidence! Let’s go back and get it! No no no, no time! Arrgh!

At 10 o’clock, most of the False Face Society is swilling gutter beer at Sharkey’s. The police raid the place. Bye bye, False Face Society. Take that in the pants and like it, Black Mask!

Meanwhile, outside of the lair, Batman starts kicking some ass until Tattoo starts whoopin’ his lights out with a pole. Batman gets knocked back into a pile of crates. Batman pops up with a “DO YOUR WORST!” demeanor. Tattoo kicks him in the face with a SWUNT. Tattoo thinks he has him, but Batman leaps up suddenly and uppercuts the nose right off Tattoo’s face! So to speak.

Batman turns to Black Mask, who screams and leaps off the pier into the four-foot-deep water. Batman is thwarted again!

EPILOGUE! Gordon’s bringing in all the False Face Society mopes. Batman is tired and sore and he’s losing his dang edge.

Bad news about Black Mask, though, son. He wasn’t the real deal. The body they dredged up out of the water wasn’t Roman Sionis, his mask wasn’t burned onto his face, and he didn’t have the swastika birthmark on his left buttcheek. His name was actually Harold Rambeau, a missing Wayne Corp. executive kinda guy.

Looks like you failed again, Batman! Wakka wakka!

Final Thoughts

I guess this is the end of this particular underwhelming Batman adventure! Do you know what would’ve been better? If it was Robin that drowned in the docks. “You gotta go to school, Robin!” How about you keep that kid away from scissors, he might accidentally cut his dick off. God, I hate Robin.