Sucky Funnies for June 12, 2022

It’s Sunday already! Well hot damn! Is today the Super Bowl? I don’t really pay attention to these things. Is the big NASCAR race on? God taking a rest? Elaine needs to unwind after Puerto Rican Day?

Sounds like a packed Sunday! Here’s some comic strips too, on top of all that nonsense.


Zits - June 12, 2022

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Jeremy Duncan has been perpetually 15 years old since 1997, which means he really should literally be 40 years old right now in 2022. Instead of being able to relate with his pre-middle aged parental units in the 21st century, he’s trapped in a hellish teenage existence. Even worse, a hellish late-’90s teenage existence. Just a whole bunch of Titanic and Star Wars prequels and boy bands and Furbies and Monica Lewinsky.

Anyway, Walt Duncan’s lookin’ pretty sexy here. Get over yourself, Jeremy.

HCassidy:I did all that three days ago and at the the end, in all fairness, I couldn’t say what Walt said.
eddi_TBH:Once the hair stopped growing on my head, it needed to go somewhere. Fortunately there was little brain matter to slow it down. Now I look like the Grand Negus of Ferenginar. But not quite as handsome.
kab2rb:My own hubby when he lost most hair on his head, most of his body is clean. Our kids now adults does not bother them. Our son did not get his dad’s 6’4″ height our daughter takes after her grandmas size in height, short.

I was thinking the same thing, everyone! I’m glad that the generation that used to be terrified of putting any of their information on the internet now puts ALL of their information on the internet. Every last gritty, mind-numbing detail.


Lola - June 12, 2022

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I’m not going to pretend I know the first thing about this comic strip, but I’m going to hazard a guess that the spry granny is the titular character.

It’s too bad she died on this particular day. Blunt force trauma following a cannonball leap into seven inches of water, breaking 180 bones in her octogenarian body, then disappearing into another dimension through a portal at the bottom of the wading pool.

RIP Lola. You will be missed?

Ricky Bennett:The poor dog’s pool session got hosed…
Rolf Rykken:Max, who is so much more mature than human Lola, puts up with a lot. : )
m b:Poor Max – very rude, now he has to fill his pool again

Lola readers are a sharp bunch.


Nancy - June 12, 2022

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The Nancy comic strip has been around in some form for 100 years. 100 years. Betty White wasn’t even around for 100 years! That’s absolutely fucking bonkers.

Eight people have authored Nancy since 1922. The second guy, Ernie Bushmiller, born in 1698, his tenure was 57 years. Can you even imagine drawing those dumb spikes on Nancy’s Gary Spivey helmet hair for 57 years. Did he kill himself in 1982?

Do authors have to go through an intensive masterclass in order to write properly for Nancy? The strip always feels like it’s locked into the sterility of stark early 1920’s media presentation. The fact that it looks like it was illustrated in Adobe Flash doesn’t help. Should I talk about the actual strip itself? *sigh* Fine. It took Fritzi four ice cream cones before she realized that Nancy wasn’t coming to appreciate the art of baking, as evident by her doorway body language. That’s dumb. Nancy sucks.

Rolf Rykken:Nancy! What a great idea!!! Yes! : )
some idiot from R’lyeh:She’s coming to appreciate the art of consumption.
VICTOR PROULX:Kind of lame

Exactly. Cancel Nancy.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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