Geoffrey Asmus

Geoffrey Asmus

Geoffrey Asmus’ Official Website

(2021) The Prodigal Little Bitch

The Prodigal Little Bitch (2021)
Rating: Good

Geoffrey Asmus - The Prodigal Little Bitch

Geoffrey Asmus will compare himself to serial killers, pedophiles, and school shooters. He’ll talk about how he cums too quickly, how he wets the bed, and how he has a small penis. He’s not afraid to be as brutally self-deprecating as possible, laughing all along the way, while still insulting his “ugly audience”. And he’s very funny.

Geoffrey Asmus is definitely not your average young comedian. He has the vulgarity of a hack ’80s comic while keeping touchy subjects like choking girlfriends and abortion relatively, dare I say, light-hearted and humorous! He clearly wants to keep the audience on his side while pushing it just far enough to almost lose them completely. He reminds me of Daniel Tosh without the psychopathic vibes. He reminds me of Anthony Jeselnik with a more conversational style. The thing is, during this whole set I didn’t hear anyone groan with offended contempt! That’s pretty impressive, but I also got a sense that this set was performed in front of a small audience with many of his friends.

Still, Asmus killed it here. Uncomfortable topics abound as he runs amok with sex, body positivity, religion, and politics. He’s a self-proclaimed liberal while dunking on them at every turn. The jokes are smart while being purposely subversive. One of my favorite jokes about all the pro-life billboards you find on highways in the Midwest leads to a very sharp observation about abortion: “Democrats will never win the war against Republicans because liberals keep killing all the people who would agree with them.” Asmus also talks about how he’d be the liberal version of the dad with the gun protecting his daughter: “You ain’t leavin’ ’til you make my daughter cum!” It’s a funny way of espousing feminism! Women have the right to cum, and don’t you forget it! Other notable jokes include Jeffrey Dahmer’s track record of 17 murders (“Tough guy alert!“) and his joke about everyone having that really hot cousin. He encourages the crowd to name their hot cousin at the count of three, and the only voice is his loudly shouting “Maxine!”

I wasn’t entirely sold on this guy until he did some very competent crowd work. He chats up a woman who used 23andMe DNA testing to find out she was adopted. He makes fun of a man for not finishing his engineering degree. When he talks about how no women find him attractive, a woman cites the bedwetting and he retorts with “Some women like that when it’s on their face.

It’s hard to imagine how much more Asmus can tap out of subjects that he has already masterfully turn on their heads, but I have high hopes for the future of this budding comic who already seems to have found his voice. Just don’t sleep with him in the same bed.

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