The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 22: “A Path Chosen”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

A transitional chapter, to be sure. It was very short, and nothing happens except that Perrin makes a decision.

Thus far, Perrin has been presented as a little bit slow. “A Path Chosen” is his first point-of-view chapter, and he’s only slow because he’s thoughtful. After having survived the swim across the river and trying for some shut-eye, he wakes up in his makeshift mattress of cedar pine needles weary of getting poked and being soaked to the bone. He spends some time going over his options and wondering where the rest of his group may be — especially Egwene, who was with him before he plunged into the river.

Shortly, Perrin finds Egwene in front of a small fire. They discuss their options, decide that Moiraine is adept enough to find them wherever they may end up even if they construct a rocket out of saplings and beaver hides and fly up to Mars. So, instead of heading to Whitebridge and staying there waiting to be found, Perrin suggests heading straight to Caemlyn. If Moiraine doesn’t find them there, then it’s off to Tar Valon by themselves.

Perrin is used to Egwene shooting down his ideas and taking the reigns herself, so he’s surprised when she agrees with his plan. Off they go.

And off I go. I’m getting some Ritz Bits.

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