The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 37: “The Long Chase”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

This Nynaeve chapter is rather short, as Nynaeve chapters tend to be. Not much happens at all except that hits a couple of beats that had occurred over the last batch of chapters: Moiraine’s usual stoicism is threatened when she realizes the only one with the coin (Perrin) had lost it only to regain it later that evening.

Nynaeve spends half the chapter annoyed that Moiraine and Lan do their own scouting ahead of her while she hangs back like some sort of curmudgeonly third wheel. Moiraine eventually discovers a camp of Whitecloaks holding the one with the coin (Perrin) prisoner. They don’t know yet that Egwene is with them since she holds no tracking coin of her own. The caveat here is that the Whitecloak camp has about two hundred of them just kind of hanging around. Obviously, that’s not good.

Lan trusts Nynaeve to sneak down near the camp and cut the ropes holding their horses. Moiraine will create a distraction, the horses will start running in all directions, Lan will swoop in and get the prisoner (Perrin). Nynaeve gets all chuffed up that Lan is allowing to be a major part of their ploy!

She successfully sneaks near the horses and recognizes Bela, Egwene’s horse, tied up with the rest, signifying Egwene’s presence in the camp as well! Good news, everyone! She decides to steal Bela, and then a second horse, when suddenly lightning strikes the ground near the camp and scares the absolute fucking bejeezus out of the rest of the horses.

She gets the horses calm again, but then Elyas’ wolves start attacking the horses. Nynaeve is able to take her two horses safely and rides away with the camp.

This is the part where Nynaeve breaks off from her group! Time to start kicking some ass alone-style, that would be the sweet, sweet medicine I need.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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