The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 39: “Weaving of the Web”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

The city is alive with the sound of hustling false Dragon lookie-loos. Caemlyn is the place to be, that’s for sure, because rumors of Logain having been captured and hauled off to answer to the Queen permeate the city. Rand wants to get a glimpse of the action, but Mat’s being whiny ever since Rand befriended the Trolloc-y lookin’ Loial guy. So Rand goes “fuck you then” and shoves off on his own.

We learn that Rand made a mistake buying the red fabric with the white rope, because that symbolizes alliance with the Queen. It’s not a very popular stance in Caemlyn, where white fabric / red rope people outnumber the Queen supporters 10:1. Rand doesn’t get fucked with too much, although Master Gill of the inn tells him to keep his guard up while out and about.

Rand moseys through the packed crowd until a beggar (OR IS IT?!?!?!) shrieks, points in Rand’s direction, and starts trying to run after him. Rand high tails it away from the crowd and tries to find safety while he’s simultaneously salty that he might miss out on seeing this handsome, dashing false Dragon! Eventually, he scales a wall that leads him to a rooftop that has a bangin’ view. He gets to check out Logain, in a cage on a wagon surrounded by six Aes Sedai. He looks like he’s not a prisoner at all, hanging his head high and commanding the area. People are silenced when he looks in their direction. He’s very charming.

When Rand asks himself why six Aes Sedai have to guard Logain, a girl’s voice from behind tells him it’s to stop Logain from tapping into the True Source! Since Rand is terrified of girls, this causes him to lose his balance.

He’s probably dead. End of chapter.

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