The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 47: “More Tales of the Wheel”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

We last left Moiraine closing herself off in a room alone with Padan Fain, the peddler who seems to be possessed by the Dark One. That’s because he is! Very much so! He’s a shell of the man he used to be, and he really wasn’t much of a man to begin with, honestly.

Moiraine’s chat is taking forever, and Rand paces up and down the room like he needs to use a chamber pot very badly. While they wait, Egwene and Nynaeve hear a story from Agelmar about Lan’s history and why he’s a badass motherfucking mofo. His father was a king, the Last King of Scotland… er, the last king of Malkieri. Lan was supposed to ascend to the throne, but Malkieri fell before he even had a chance! The Borderlands still honor his kingliness, even if Lan himself has pursued other career options. The people call him “Dai Shan” as an honorific.

Nynaeve and Egwene can’t believe their goddamned ears about this. Shortly after Agelmar’s story, Moiraine returns to give everyone the scoop on Fain. His soul is so corrupted that he may as well be an American politician! He was selected to be the Dark One’s “hound” and was tasked with finding three boys. Not just any three boys, mind you. The important three boys. He peddled and traveled everywhere until he was absolutely positive that the three boys were Emond’s Fielders. It is revealed that Fain himself sent the Trollocs to Emond’s Field through the Waygate.

Moiraine isn’t done with Fain, but there’s no time now to deal with more of him. Next stop on the adventure is the Blight. Agelmar still wants to provide them with men, some real fighting-type men, but Moiraine refuses again. Agelmar cannot fathom why Moiraine and Lan would want these three little boys who can barely hold a sword to assist, but, as we all know, these three are the Chosen Ones. Tag along, they must, even to the Blight. Even to Shayol Ghul. Even to Gary, Indiana if they must.

Time for bed! They ride to the Blight at first light. Try as the might, but they’re in for a fight. It’ll be quite a sight! Good night.

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