The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 53: “The Wheel Turns”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

After all that bullshit with the various items and treasures, the group discovers that, with the Green Man all kinds of dead, the Green Man’s little sanctuary is becoming more and more like the stinky Blight with the stinky flowers and the garbage trees. Loial pretty much cries about this, so he goes to the oak tree that the Green Man became and starts singing. This isn’t entirely useless, as the tree thrives on Loial’s melodious voice.

The group heads back to Fal Dara. The Borderlanders won at Tarwin’s Gap and are celebrating in the city. Commander Agelmar is not as happy as the rest. He saw a dude amongst the Light and the Shadow during the battle, and, to quote him “what he did cannot be, must not be.” This probably means he pooped in one of the guns and then shot the poop, but that sounds like a good tactic, actually. So perhaps not. Moiraine reports that the Green Man is dead, lol. Also the Eye of the World is gone, lmao. Otherwise, things are cool.

Moiraine presents to Agelmar the Horn of Valere! *toot toot*

Moiraine says it must be taken to Illian. Agelmar says it must stay in the Borderlands. So they fight. I believe fisticuffs are involved.

EPILOGUE! Rand is training with Lan on various swordfighting buffooneries. He intends to embark upon his next journey alone, but Egwene doesn’t want him to go at all! Just because he channeled the One Power that one time doesn’t mean he should do it again! But Rand tells her that he didn’t even mean to do it! It just happened! No control over it! Back off, lady!

Plus, he has a destiny to fulfill. He’s gonna be the Dragon Reborn or some shit.

And so ends The Wheel of Time, Book 1: The Eye of the World! Now let’s go get some pizza.

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