The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 4: “Summoned”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

For the first time in the series, we get a Moiraine POV chapter! This mystery woman with her mysteries has always been a mystery, and now we’ll sort of get to see what makes her tick.

Moiraine is nervous! Honest-to-Gawd nervous. The Amyrlin is here in Fal Dara and she has no idea why. She seems to have brought the entire population of Tar Valon with her too, which is annoying and disconcerting as well.

While dressing in her formal Blue Ajah apparel, she is visited in her quarters by two Aes Sedai. One is friendly, Anaiya of the Blue. One is a big ol’ cunt, Liandrin of the Red. They inform Moiraine that the Amyrlin requests an audience with her NOW! RIGHT NOW! Don’t even take a shit, there’s no time for that. We know how much Moiraine loves to take a shit, too, so this is devestating.

But before that, there’s a brief conversation about three more false Dragons that have popped up all at once. Before now, there were three total in the last two years. Logain, the charming young man from Book 1, has been gentled. Of these new three, one is already in chains and the other two are at large. Like convicted felons. But the Aes Sedai are on the prowl.

Also, the Daughter-Heir of Caemlyn, Elayne, and her brother Gawyn (still a shitty name) are safe in Tar Valon where they will be pampered like little entitled babies. Something about the Hunt for the Horn was discussed too, which sounds like a fun party game for the kids.

Moiraine heads to the Amyrlin’s quarters and notices a slew of Aes Sedai chillin’ in the sitting room. I’m sure the people in here will be important later on, but I don’t have the brain space to memorize six new women with Tolkien names. Anyway, Moiraine gets escorted to the Amyrlin’s suite and starts a-chit-chatting with her about Horns of Valere this and ta’veren that. The Amyrlin’s name is Siuan, and she and Moiraine and very close (secret) friends. They probably dated. I’m calling that now.

Siuan says that the Daughter-Heir Elayne may be the most powerful Aes Sedai in a thousands years, but Moiraine counters this by saying that Egwene is just as powerful and Nynaeve is more powerful. So nyah.

Moiraine informs Siuan that she’s got three boys that are all ta’veren-ed up these days. One’s a weird little spaz and has that Shadar Logoth dagger magically stuck to him, which is still going to be a huge fucking problem. Siuan’s like “yeah, that sucks”.

The chapter ends with a vague mention that if anyone catches on to what Siuan and Moiraine are planning, whatever that may be, that they may both be “stilled”. It’s like gentling, but not as gentle! End chapter.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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