The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 12: “Woven in the Pattern”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

It’s time for the Aes Sedai and their little novices Egwene and Nynaeve to set sail, as it were. And by that I mean they’re going to stay on land with horses. They spend a few days travelling toward Tar Valon at a brisk pace. Lan pulls Nynaeve out of her and Egwene’s tent to talk, but it is unknown what is discussed. Probably how much Lan has been totally neglecting their relationship! And how Nynaeve doesn’t cook for him anymore.

One night, Verin the Brown Ajah visits their tent to give them a little lesson on how not to fuck too hard with the One Power or else it’ll fuck them back. Hard. So, with time and effort, they’ll be able to control it better. Nynaeve isn’t too thrilled about this lesson and tries to leave, and Verin’s like “ok go ahead but the novices without any training at all will need to mop floors and scrub grout with toothbrushes at Tar Valon, so sit the fuck back down.” Verin refers to the post-novice level as “Accepted”, which was a shit movie. During their lesson, Nynaeve keeps getting angrier and more frustrated and accidentally sets a bundle of blankets on fire. Total badass.

Other Aes Sedai stop by over the course of the next several nights for their own lessons, but they aren’t as good because the other Ajah colors have preoccupations (Red hates men, Green wants to bone men, etc.)

Egwene has dreams about Rand and they’re pretty vivid. She decides to speak to Moiraine about it, but another Aes Sedai informs her that Moiraine has gone somewhere. Verin (Brown) and Liandrin (Red) are gone too. This is quite suspicious and Siuan is not at all happy about it.

After Egwene describes her very vivid dream to an Aes Sedai named Anaiya, Anaiya entertains the idea that Egwene might be a Dreamer. There haven’t been any Dreamers among the Aes Sedai in centuries! The last one Dreamed herself into a Dream Coma (I’m making that up), but Egwene is gifted in the ways of the True One Source Power Channeling so it’s a possibility.

Egwene is going to ascend to Goddess by Book 11 and fight Ba’alzamon one-on-one in paintball.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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