The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 14: “Wolfbrother”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Rand, Loial, and Hurin have disappeared into some sixth dimension, and Ingtar is beyond pissed off. His fucking sniffer just up and left? Preposterous! Now who’s going to sniff? They’ll never find the Horn without some hardcore sniffin’!

Mat actually holds his tongue about Rand being the Dragon Reborn and possibly running far away, which is commendable. Perrin is sheepish and considers using his wolfy powers to sniff things out. He reaches out with his wolfiness and contacts a pack of wolves who at first ask if he’s Elyas (the dude from The Eye of the World who hung out with wolves), and then actually recognize him as Perrin. They call him “Young Bull”, which is my porn name.

Perrin asks the wolves if they’ve seen the three disappeared mopes, and they have not since the previous night. Then Perrin asks if they’ve seen Padan Fain’s Merry Band of Darkfriends and Degenerates, and yes. They have. They’re going south. Always going south.

With this knowledge, Perrin approaches Ingtar and admits that he can speak to wolves. Ingtar is sympathetic, knowing legends of this power, and advises Perrin to keep it under his hat and pretend that he might just be a sniffer. Ingtar even knows Elyas since he was a former Warder.

They make their way south, eventually getting approached by Verin the Brown Ajah on a horse, sent by Moiraine. She found the dead Myrddraal nailed to the door interesting because she’s a dang sociopath. She also wants to know where Rand is, but they obviously have no clue. Verin wants to ride alongside Ingtar to learn everything he knows about Rand and his involvement.

Mat and Perrin are suspicious of Verin’s intentions.

I think Verin needs to get a boyfriend or a hobby or something.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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