The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 24: “New Friends and Old Enemies”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

We shift gears toward Egwene, who is getting settled in as a novice Aes Sedai in some sort of Hogwarts dormitory. She meets her new roommate Hermione Magoo, aka Elayne the Daughter-Heir of Andor who is training as a novice like every other hick like Egwene. No special treatment just because she’s the daughter of a goddamned Queen! Aes Sedai don’t play that.

Egwene doesn’t pick up on Elayne’s Daughter-Heiriness until she is asked if she knows Rand. Egwene is surprised to hear that Rand was telling the truth about bumping into the Royal Children and even gets a little jealous about Elayne’s possible — but unlikely because Rand smells — romantic interest.

Egwene and Elayne bond readily. Elayne presents her theory that the Red Ajah are trying to remove the ability to channel the One Power entirely from mankind by gentling the male Aes Sedai. When Elayne mentions that Elaida, the Royal Aes Sedai, is upset that Rand left Caemlyn, Egwene gets uncomfortable and suspicious that the Aes Sedai are all after Rand for some reason.

Egwene then meets Else, a farmgirl whom Rand bumped into back in the day while they were travelling and gleemanning for their livelihood.

Egwene then meets Min, that boyish girl who can see the future sort of whom Rand bumped into back in the day Baerlon. At this point Egwene is starting to get annoyed that every young woman in the world has met Rand. Egwene recognizes Min and asks her what she’s doing here in Tar Valon. She replies that she wasn’t given a choice.

Gawyn and Galad pop in all shirtless and sexy-like. Gawyn (terrible name) is Elayne’s sister. Galad is, like, a half-brother or something. Egwene wants to bone Galad and I’m sure he’d be GUH-LAD about it! Get it? GET IT? Fuck you.

Galad asks Egwene out, basically, and she accepts. Gawyn, having also met Rand, asks if he is really from the Two Rivers (since he has the striking butt chin, miserable cleft palate, and clubfoot of an Aiel). Egwene is like, yeah, duh, she knew him since he was this tall (puts hand near vagina). Gawyn gets all hazy and weird, talks about how he’s met a lot of people who have met Rand. Like he’s woven into the pattern all ta’veren-style.

Elaida approaches the group and chastises Elayne for speaking out of turn. Elayne gets no special treatment; off to detention with you where you can write “I WILL HELP ELAIDA FIND RAND AL-THOR” one million times on the blackboard. The girls all claim they don’t know Rand, and hopefully Elaida believes the lie. Min also wonders privately why Moiraine had summoned her to Tar Valon, what she’s going to do there, and when she’ll be back to let her leave.

Speaking of leaving, I’m leaving too. Bye.

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