The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 31: “On the Scent”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Mat’s looking like shit these days, daggerless and everything. He wants to know how the hell Rand’s group was able to get to Cairhien weeks ahead of them. Rand is like “I ‘unno”, but he’s glad that they were able to find him. They had the dagger, Mat, they HAD THE DAGGER, but then the chest that contained it and… ahem… and the Horn… was stolen. But don’t worry! Mat assures them that, between Hurin the Sniffer and Perrin the “Sniffer”, they will find the Horn again in no time! That Horn smells pretty bad, too. A sniffer will sniff that sonofabitch out in two shakes of a Rand’s tail.

Throughout all the talking, Perrin is amazed at how Lordly Rand has become. He is even heard to say “Shadowkiller”, possibly confirming what the wolves know. After Verin heals Hurin of all his inn-on-fire wounds, they set off to find another inn called the Great Tree in order to regroup and discuss and share and sing Kumbaya and all other manner of happy horseshit.

Later, when alone, Rand is suspicious of Verin’s presence and wonders if Moiraine’s trying to pull some strings again. Ain’t gonna happen! Nothing doing! He finds both of Selene’s notes in he breast pocket of his ornate red coat and decides to burn them up. Moving forward only from now on.

Verin had set up a private area for them all to talk. Ingtar isn’t taking too kindly to Rand’s confidence about taking command, not like it’s Rand’s fault. He’s been used to it for the last couple of weeks. Verin demands to know, just like Mat, how the three of them arrived at Cairhien so quickly. Rand spills the beans about literally everything: portal stones, Selene, the Horn, his limp, leaky penis. Everything. Hurin returns to report that Darkfriends have entered the manor of Lord Barthanes, which Verin doesn’t seem too surprised about. They all plan to infiltrate somehow, and this is the part where Rand reveals his invitations and decides about Barthanes’ instead of Galldrian’s. Sorry for spoiling that earlier! Not that anybody it reading this at all!

More discussion of little consequence happen. Rand remembers the statue with the large crystal ball and asks Verin of it, who responds that it’s one of a pair of sa’angreals intended for use by a man. The other one, far away in some other land, is an identical sa’angreal intended for use by a woman. Together, they have enough power to Break the World all over again!

Speaking of Breaking the World, I’m a gonna go break a sweat. By running to my bed. To take a nap.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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