The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 35: “Stedding Tsofu”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Eventually, the group travels from Cairhien and ends up at Stedding Tsofu.

The end.

BUT REALLY, FOLKS. Loial is very nervous about the stedding. He was exiled from his own stedding or he ran away from home or something, it’s thus far unclear. Obviously, since steddings have magic barriers that prevent Aes Sedai from channeling, Rand feels a weird emptiness when he enters. They are greeted by a young female Ogier, Erith, who Loial pops a big ol’ boner for. She brings the group into the stedding proper.

Loial does feel good to be back due to a phenomenon called “the Longing”, which is like a wasting disease for Ogier if they’re too far from a stedding for too long. Loial has not felt the Longing yet, and he assures his group not to worry (wait until Book 7 when Loial gets Longing Cancer).

They reach a cute little village that’s not very little on account of the Ogier aren’t little. Immediately, they see three young female Aiel warriors — Stedding Tsofu’s other guests. They’re all like “MEN WITH SWORDS!” and put down their veils and move in for the kill. A hubbub ensues, everyone gets riled up, and it takes another Ogier named Juin to jump and be like “chill the fuck out everyone, don’t forget the Pact”, which shames the Aiel women. They back off. Everyone backs off. Chills the fuck out. Remembers the Pact. And it is speculated by Perrin and Mat, once the women see Rand’s heron-hilted sword, that they’re looking for Rand. He Who Comes with the Dawn. They know this from the Aiel they met in Kinslayer’s Dagger while Rand was cavorting around Cairhien like a gazelle.

Juin leads the group to the Elders. While they wait, Loial continues to look very nervous as if any moment someone is going to go “THERE’S THE OGIER FROM STEDDING SHANGTAI! GET HIM!” and then they pelt him with bananas. Loial is also nervous because APPARENTLY female Ogier get to choose a marriage partner against the male’s will, and he doesn’t want some hot little thing to tie him down while he’s in Stedding Tsofu. Mat cracks up at this.

The Elders have arrived. They look like the Golden Girls. The end.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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