The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 45: “Blademaster”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

This is one of those GOOD chapters that I’ve been waiting for! Nynaeve, Min, and Elayne stake out the streets waiting for a sul’dam and a damane to walk by. When one does, Nynaeve goads Min into revealing to her as much as she knows about how damane are treated. Min does such a good job that Nynaeve completely Hulks out and, with one quick burst of saidar-fueled energy, snaps open the damane’s collar. You go gurl. Once the damane realizes what just happened, she punches that sul’dam cunt right in the jaw and books it. Next, the three young women gag the sul’dam with a rag, throw a sack over her head, and drag her off the street and to a shed.

After Nynaeve hits the saidar button again, she detaches the bracelet from the sul’dam’s wrist and cuffs it to her own wrist. She also removes her dress and puts that on as well. She then snaps the collar on the sul’dam’s neck and tests out her new sul’dam powers by making the new damane writhe in agony for a few seconds. Nynaeve says she didn’t enjoy it, but she’s a liar.

The sul’dam is named Seta, and Nynaeve is scaring the poop right out of her ample rectum. Elayne was going to wear the collar, but now they’re having none of that. They keep Seta chained and tell her that she needs to do everything they say or else it’s shock collar time. Off they go to do whatever it is they’re going to do. Oh yeah, free Egwene. I forgot about her!

Domon waits on the ship for the women. By God, he’ll wait until he can’t wait no more!

There’s still a lot more chapter left! Rand and his knuckleheads, the Five Who Will Ride Forth or some shit, enter Falme and make themselves at home. Hurin can smell Padan Fain’s filthy Doritos stench in the air. They pass by a large manor and Mat’s Spidey Sense starts tingling: the dagger is in there! He can feel it in his many bones! Ingtar has no use for dagger hunting, he’s here for the Horn. Rand says they can kill two birds with one stone because, hey, the Horn and the dagger are together anyway and Fain probably didn’t separate the two. Ingtar leads a break-in, which Rand is against, and they sneak up to the second floor of the manor where they find a room with the Horn and the dagger on pedestals like it’s a fucking video game. Mat grabs the dagger, Ingtar grabs the Horn, we can all go home to our *say it with me, everyone* TV DINNERS! Yeah!

Hurin and Rand look out the window and see, in distance, a swarm of sul’dam/damane and, impossibly, recognizes Egwene as one of them. She’s gone by the time anyone else looks out the window. Rand wants to save his main squeeze, but HIGH LORD TURAK shows up dismayed that his precious Horn and dagger are off the pedestals. When one of Turak’s guards reaches for them, Mat slashes him with the dagger, which promptly causes the guard’s skin to blacken and swell until death by choking on his big, fat, black tongue.

Turak fights Rand, but since Rand practiced his sword techniques for exactly three days, Rand wins handily. Turak dies like this: *bleh*

With the Horn in Ingtar’s hot little hand, he insists that they leave and never look back. Rand refuses. Saving Egwene is the next task, butthead. Take your Horn and blow it! So to speak.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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