The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 49: “What Was Meant to Be”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

HE AWAKENS! Rand is dizzy and woozy and Min is sitting there with him with her hand NOT in his pants! Come on, now! They left Falme almost a week ago; Egwene was freed. The boys and girls are returning the Horn of Valere to the White Tower and continue some Aes Sedai training. The girls are. Not the boys. No boys allowed.

Rand’s cauterized side wound won’t respond to Moiraine’s healing powers. Yes, that’s right, Moiraine is showing her face after all these *checks notes* months? Years? I don’t know how long they’ve been walking around. Rand tells her to go screw. Moiraine says that she’s been hanging around doing more than he’ll ever know.

Rand beats himself up about not confronting Padan Fain. He was part of the whole mission and he FUCKED it up! The girls beat him to it! Moiraine informs him, please and thank you, that running into Fain would’ve been hella bad news bears. He’s dangerous, sir, and he’s been twisted and misshapen by that Mordeth dude from Shadar Logoth. So you best stay away from him. He also smells like rotten onions, so there’s also that.

Rand thinks he finally killed the Dark One. Moiraine is like “fat chance”. Something about not being bound anymore, that’s a really big problem. Plus, Rand, you guys fought in the sky! Did you know that? You fought in the sky and every lookie-loo in town was watching. Now the word spreading across the land: The Dragon fought the Dark One. Gleemen, even the more pedophilic of the gleemen, will sing songs and tell tales for generations to come!

Here are other things that aren’t good:
-The Black Ajah are back after thousands of years. They’re not nice!
-Cairhien is in a civil war for some reason. Wear the right colors!
-Two broken Aes Sedai seals were discovered in Turak’s manor. Break them all and the Dark One is free as a clam!

So that sets up Book 3 nicely, doesn’t it? All of Rand’s buddies will stick with him through thick and thin (even Loial the Goat Boy).

There’s one chapter left, but it looks short.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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