The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) – Chapter 5: “Nightmares Walking”

The Wheel of Time - Book 3 - The Dragon Reborn

Perrin wakes up from his shitty cold dream and discovers that their camp has been taken over by Trollocs and other ghoulies and ghastlies. There’s a lot of fighting all around. Leya, the woman whom Min prophesied will die, ends up dying at the hands of a Myrddraal. It just cut her up without even looking at her! I don’t know why Perrin was so invested in saving this doomed woman, but he beats himself up pretty bad over it. He beats his own ass ruddy with a belt!

There’s a whole sequence where Perrin’s wolfiness takes over, and then he fights wolfily. Perrin becomes Young Bull, and Young Bull smash! Grrr! AWWOOOOOOO!!! That goes on for some time.

At the end of the fight there are a ton of dead wolves and Shienarans. Everyone is staring at Perrin, but Lan breaks the awkwardness by shouting “Tai’shar Manetheren! Tai’shar Andor!“, giving glory to Perrin’s efforts. Perrin doesn’t feel very gloryful. He feels kind of like a dick.

Moiraine does what she can to heal the wounded, which takes a lot out of her. Perrin’s wounds are pretty superficial, so he’s easy peasy. Min tells Perrin that Rand is hanging out at the top of the camp alone. He goes to talk to him, and all Rand can say is that he didn’t do much to fight. He could feel the One Power welling up inside him but he could not channel; all the while feeling like picking up a big hulking mountain and dropping it on top of everyone, which would have been quite rude indeed! Perrin is glad he didn’t do that.

Moiraine asks Rand if he’s hurt, and he just responds with a bitter “The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from the Shadow”, so everyone had better hoist his bleeding ass to the big scary mountain and end this once and for all. Moiriane spits at him and tells him that he has no right to decide how and when to follow any prophecies. She heals him right to the point of passing out, and Lan takes her to get some sleep in her lavish hut.

Lan tells everyone to get some rest. Shit’s going to down again, and there’s a whole book ahead of them, baby.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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