Meet Laras, the extremely obese “Mistress of the Kitchens” who whacks the young women with a wooden spoon and berates them in front of everyone else. She’s afraid of Siuan, but that comes later.
Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne are all scrubbing pots and helping cook like good little Aes Sedai. Nynaeve struggles to keep her temper as Laras belittles her as if she was King Shit of Fuck Mountain.
Siuan enters the kitchens and scares everyone to death with her commanding presence and her mean glares. As a pretense, she kicks Elayne and (by accident) Egwene out before sidling up to Nynaeve and having a surreptitious conversation. Here’s the facts, ma’am:
-Siuan says Sheriam found another Gray Man dead on her own bed.
-Nynaeve says — doesn’t accuse — that both Sheriam and Elaida had a chance to rifle through Egwene’s Aes Sedai notes.
-Nynaeve says Alanna is acting weird. Siuan will keep an eye on her.
-Nynaeve relays what they found in the storeroom. Siuan is unnerved. All of the belongings Liandrin + 12 were collected and burned. Else was kicked out of the Tower 10 days ago. Something fishy as hell is going on.
-Siuan knows this is an obvious trap. Nynaeve explains their intentions to go to Tear. Siuan will provide money for their journey.
-Siuan knows Elayne is involved. So be it. Let the girl deal with Morgase herself, then.
-Nynaeve asks about Collandor. Siuan is like “oh shit, the Black Ajah shouldn’t get it at all oh no”. Siuan says that if the three of them die keeping it out of their hands, it would be worth the world not being destroyed.
That’s about it. Elayne and Egwene return and Nynaeve tells them that Siuan gave her blessing. Off to Tear at the first chance. Pack your parka, it’s going to be a cold journey!
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