Ailhuin the Tear Version of a Wisdom returns with a man who looks like Moe Howard. His name is Juilin Sandar and he’s a thief-taker extraordinaire! He is here to help them track down that troupe of Nasty Women for the three young Aes Sedai. For thirteen pieces of silver, Sandar will find thirteen women without being detected or even sexually harassed! Nynaeve describes each of the women in great detail, and Sandar, sharp as a tack, memorizes each one sight unseen. Nynaeve warns him that these women are dangerous, and Sandar says he will hunt these women down as if they were as dangerous as Aes Sedai or even Black Ajah. Egwene goes “eep!” How does this loser know about the dang Black Ajah? Sandar leaves while Ailhuin praises the dude’s thief-taking abilities. He’s been taking thieves since you were all on your mother’s teat, he has.
Later, when they have privacy, Egwene travels into Tel’aran’rhiod again to check out what’s going on there these days. While there lucid dreaming, she closes her eyes and envisions the Heart of the Stone of Tear. When she opens her eyes, she’s there with Callandor floating in the middle of the room. Liandrin is there in the room too, and she looks right at Egwene and smiles. This causes Egwene to wake up, something she hasn’t done on her own before. According the Elayne and Nynaeve, she was barely even asleep. Egwene takes this as a sign that Liandrin and her chums all know that the three young Aes Sedai are in Tear. So that sucks.
Meanwhile, Mat and Thom Merrilin are on their boat headed for Tear. As a heavy storm picks up, they arrive at their destination. Thom wants to find an inn as soon as possible, which Mat agrees to… then he’s heading out to search high and low for Comar the Jerk Who Was Sent Here To Kill Elayne and Oh Yeah the Other Two As Well. Even in the rain. Hacking and coughing already, Thom joins him in the search. They spend half the night ducking in and out of any inn they can find. After about thirteen hours, they stumble into an inn where Comar is cheating his opponents with loaded dice. Mat gets ballsy and plays him, and wins. Because he’s a lucky duck. Then Mat lays all the dice out on the table, so to speak! All like “I know you’re Comar, I know why you’re here, I know you’re hunting the three girls, and I’m going to fuck you up to kingdom come.” They fight and Mat breaks Comar’s back with his quarterstaff. Comar has just enough time to tell Mat that he isn’t the only one hunting the girls before he dies. Like this: *death rattle* *bluh*
Facing no consequences for murdering yet another man, Mat and Thom return to their inn to sleep. They spend the next three days looking for more inns to find the girls. They do not find the girls. Not yet.
Not yet.
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