“All Singing, All Dancing”
Original Air Date:
January 4, 1998
Directed by:
Mark Ervin
Written by:
Steve O’Donnell
Homer is disappointed when the western he rented turns out to be a musical, so the family reminds him of the musical moments in the show’s history.
None. George Harrison, Phil Hartman, and Patrick Stewart are credited, but these are all from past episodes.
Why doesn’t it suck? I’ll give someone a crisp $20,000 bill if they can write me a thesis on why, indeed, “All Singing, All Dancing” does not suck… yeah, nice try. You submitted me something from ChatGPT, asshole.
This is a clip show, which thankfully doesn’t exist anymore here in the Lord’s year of 2025 due to DVDs and VHSs and KaZaA. Clip shows are bad enough; take a look at Season Six’s “Another Simpsons Clip Show”. It’s the lowest rated episode of truly classic Simpsons, and for a good reason. Clip shows fucking suck.
“All Singing, All Dancing”, on the surface, is a good concept for a clip show. After all, a few songs in this episode are classics: “See My Vest”, “The Monorail Song”, “We Do”. And the Iron Butterfly hymn parody “In the Garden of Eden” from “Bart Sells His Soul” is one of the best sequences to have ever been written into the show. In execution, this blows hard. Imagine coming off of a Christmas break ready to enjoy a brand new episode of your favorite cartoon, and the most original material they show is from a movie that Homer rented called Paint Your Wagon — which is a real film, by the way. Honest to god. A real musical starring Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin. The Simpsons takes the “painting” part literally for “humor”, as it is purported to be. But it’s not funny!
The rest of the episode’s original material showcase’s the family’s horrible singing voices as they play tapes of old episodes, plus Snake shows up three times to point a shotgun at their heads for no obviously discernible reason other than “hey, here’s Snake!”
You will not like watching this episode. Of all the episodes of all seasons of this show, “All Singing, All Dancing” has the third-lowest IMDb rating. I find it hard to believe that the episode is worse than some of the Simpsons’ lowest points, but this still sucks a lot and it’s undoubtedly the lowest point of late-Classic / early-Zombie Simpsons.
The episode had problems with the censors as they objected to scenes of Snake pointing his shotgun at Maggie. In spite of this, it is one of the few episodes that has been given a G-rating on American television.
Another G-rated episode was the one where Homer gets raped by a panda. The censors decided it was “cute”.
During the end credits, gun shots are heard when Phil Hartman’s name appears on screen. This eerily predicts the actor’s death later in the year when he was shot by his wife.
Oh man, lol. lmao. Snake was the first gunman on the grassy knoll! Sorry, Phil.
Although he normally dislikes clip shows, David Mirkin liked this episode because of the singing and dancing and called the clips “truly wonderful”.
This Episode Aired The Night Before The Death of Sonny Bono
This episode was so bad it killed Sonny Bono. Also, what the fuck is this trivia? How about this: “This Episode Aired The Night My Balls Dropped”. Fuck off, IMDb.
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