I’m all done! Actually, I was all done in January, and then it was fully healed by March, but I’m a busy man and I can’t be bothered to tear myself away from all the stupid Star Wars books I’m apparently reading.
What a journey it’s been! I’d thank my tattoo artist, but he has a very unique name and I’m afraid he might stumble upon this shitty blog and sneer at my decision to write up various Archie comics. Let’s just say his initials are GK and he did a bang-up job. He’s a really cool guy and, in spite of my crushing social anxiety and my tendency to be extremely nervous and intimidated by artistic types, he made me very comfortable. I couldn’t be happier.
OK, it was Gifford Kasen, owner of Logan Square Tattoo out of Chicago. The following photos are his and I don’t own them. Thanks Gifford! You are, as they say, the man.
This concludes the Chronicles of the Tattoo, at least until I get my next one someday. Smell ya later, nerds.
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