Avengers (Vol. 5)

Avengers (Vol. 5) archive

Click here for the list of storylines and events for Avengers (Vol. 5)


Self-Contained Avengers (Vol. 5) storylines and collections:

Issues #1 - 6 -- "Avengers World" 6-issue storyline Tony Stark has a vision that some serious shit is going to go down. Something bigger than anything an Avengers team has ever faced before. They encounter some terraforming gods on Mars, but that's just the beginning. The real threat is a mysterious impending catastrophe dubbed the "White Event", putting the entire multiverse in jeopardy.
Issues #7 - 11 -- "The Last White Event" 5-issue storyline The Avengers are at a loss when they face something called "The Last White Event" and none of them know what it means! To make matters worse, some college kid survived a college campus obliteration and he's acting like a real jerk. Plus, Ex Nihilo is trying to turn the Earth sentient! D'oh!