Paper Girls

Paper Girls archive

Click here for the list of storylines and events for Paper Girls


Self-Contained Paper Girls storylines and collections:

Issues #1 - 5 -- "Paper Girls Volume 1" 5-issue storyline Welcome to November 1, 1988. Odd things are happening in a sleepy Cleveland suburban neighborhood including, but not limited to, mysterious rapture-like disappearances, time-travelling mutant teenagers, futuristic soldiers speaking odd dialects, and giant pterodactyls. Four preteen girls accidentally become wrapped-up in the chaos, and things just keep getting worse and worse as they uncover more pieces of the strangest puzzle to hit the late '80s since Tetris!
Issues #6 – 10 — “Paper Girls Volume 2” 5-issue storyline Welcome to 2016. The four titular paper girls find themselves 28 years in the future. An anxious, adult version of Erin finds herself in the middle of accommodating and aiding the girls in this strange time warp. Meanwhile, ANOTHER version of Erin is running around wreaking havoc. Who can they trust? What's going on? Where are my pills?
Issues #11 – 15 — “Paper Girls Volume 3” 5-issue storyline Welcome to 11,706 BCE. Everyone is reunited. KJ has her period. They discover a prehistoric girl with a baby. There's also a woman from the future hanging out around there too. Erin shakes a hockey stick through a hole, completing a cycle. Is that everything? Hardly! Read on, friends. Read on.
Issues #16 - 20 -- "Paper Girls Volume 4" 5-issue storyline Welcome to 2000. The nerds were right about Y2K and everything turned to shit. The Old-Timers are battling the, uh, NOT-Old-Timers in giant Transformers robots. The girls meet a crazy time travel aficionado named Charlotte Spachefski. KJ is having a hard time coming to terms with her sexuality. Mac is having a hard time coming to terms with KJ's sexuality. It's a hard time for everyone.
Issues #21 - 25 -- "Paper Girls Volume 5" 5-issue storyline Welcome to 2171. The girls find themselves adjusting to the far future and piecing together more of the war situation between the Old-Timers and the Teenagers. Does Mac find a cure for her cancer? Are the girls' memories going to be wiped before this is all finished? Do KJ and Mac kiss? (yes!) Does Erin eat an entire pineapple? (no!) All this and more in Volume 4!
Issues #26 - 30 -- "Paper Girls Volume 6" 5-issue storyline Welcome to... you know what? It doesn't matter anymore. This is the thrilling, emotional conclusion to the exciting adventures of Erin, Mac, KJ, and Tiff. Will they return to 1988? Will they remember everything that has happened to them? Will they remain friends? Will the war between the Old-Timers and the Teenagers end? Am I sad that this whole thing is over? Read on and find out! And yes, I'm sad.