Star Wars (Vol. 2)

Issues #1 - 6 -- "Book I: Skywalker Strikes" Welcome to the exciting world of Star Wars, Marvel-style, after the franchise's acquisition by Disney, ruining it forever! In this groundbreaking first canon Star Wars storyline, Luke had just blown up the Death Star and is all weird about his ability to become a Jedi after Darth Vader trounces him handily during a standoff. Meanwhile, Han and Leia escape the Imperial officers and find a quite habitable planet for their Rebellion base. OR DO THEY?! Other stuff happens, too. OR DOES IT?! 6-issue storyline
Issues #8 - 12 -- "Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon" In his quest to learn more about the Jedi, Luke plans a trip to Coruscant but gets abducted by Grakkus the Hutt. Involved in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH, can Luke be saved by his "friends"? Also, there's some more stuff about Han Solo's supposed wife, but that's boring and who cares? I certainly don't! 5-issue storyline