More Bloggin’ About Bloggin’

Check out this nerd over here!

Check out this blogging nerd over here.

I’m still riding the manic highs I’m feeling from my blog overhaul. A fresh new start, I guess? The symbolic uprooting of a tired, old way of life, forging full steam ahead on a new path? Whatever it is, I hope it lasts. It seems kind of silly that something like this could elevate my mood so drastically, and my gut instinct is to stay guarded and not get my hopes up too high.

I’m still spending a lot of time tinkering with layouts, fonts, formatting, fixing links, and fixing all the weird backslashes that were added during importing. I’m sure there’s a plugin for that, but since I’m only paying for the Personal plan on the .com version of the website my options are SEVERELY LIMITED. One day I may decide to .org this bitch and be in full control. For now, though, I’m satisfied.

I’m finding new things to nitpick about every day to add more work to my plate, such as tightening up the organization of my image files, posts, categories, and pages, normalizing page layouts, and shuffling around posts to the right categories. It’s cathartic in its own way, as if the very idea of having all the control I could possibly want over my own little personal corner of this hole we call the Internet is releasing some of that sweet, sweet dopamine! When you have a stressful full-time job, two kids, and crippling anxiety, you take all the catharsis you can get.

I’m starting to wonder why, in 2012, I bugged out from WordPress and switched to Blogger in the first place. Back then I was super poor and woefully unemployed, so I probably wanted something free but more easily customizable. Now I’m glad I’m back to WordPress. I’m pretty thrilled with the easy search option here to find more personal hobby blogs, a feature that Blogger either doesn’t have or it’s not easy to find. It reminds me of the good ol’ Web 1.0 days where plenty of kids like me fucked around in GeoCities making really dumb, endlessly entertaining webpages. Except now the pages are less dumb. Maybe that’s a good thing. BUT, while I’m finding endless amounts of artless blogs where the people are blatantly in it for the fame or profit, there are just as many (if not more) artful blogs where the people are doing it just to do it. I find that thrilling, and I’m having a blast poking around all these personal blogs that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Beats the pants out of Reddit.

Anyway, I’m having fun. As time goes on I’ll probably continue fleshing out the non-musical portions of my personality here, little by little, WHAT LITTLE EXISTS! HA! I have some ideas for non-music content, but music and writing are my two passions and I imagine I’ll be spending most of my time here writing about music. Fine with me, there’s not much else out there that I like. Seacrest out!

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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