Welcome to Loneliness & Cheeseburgers Presents: Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485 – “Faces of Death”! In the previous installment of the Prelude to Knightfall story, all of Wayne Industries’ property starts burning down to the ground one-by-one and Bruce speculates that it’s the work of Roman Sionis, a wimp of a man with a penchant for arson who lost everything he ever had and seeks twelve kinds of revenge!
This guy is out for blood for sure, and he intends to lure Batman by way of his fresh new hostage Lucius Fox. If it’s a war Batman wants, then it’s a war Batman gets!
Robin’s also in these issues, much to everyone’s major disappointment.
Batman (Vol. 1), Issue #485 [October, 1992]
Written by: Doug Moench
“Faces of Death”
“Why me?” Fox cries, blood pouring out his nose. Glasses broken. Hairline receding. Two answers to this sad little “why me?” question: 1) he made Black Mask lose face, so to speak, and 2) his blood makes perfect warpaint. Does that answer your question at all? Too bad.
Fox doesn’t understand because he’s Batman’s biggest dullard friend, apparently. Black Mask tells him to stop being a moron. Black Mask was Roman Sionis and Fox fucked his world up. By… uh… bailing him out? Yes! And then stacking the Janus Corp. with Bruce Wayne’s men!
Bruce, horribly disguised as one of Black Mask’s henchmen, stands there awkwardly rigid and feels that he might have to blow his cover soon to save Fox. I think he should just watch the carnage. Maybe he’ll learn a thing or two about how to actually torture someone!
“Wh- What… do you want?” snivels Fox.
“Other than ruling Gotham as its new crimelord, Mr. Fox, there’s only one thing I want…”
It’s pussy.
“The absolute destruction of the Wayne empire followed by the painful death of Bruce Wayne himself.”
Ah, well, that’s easy. Roll his flabby ass out here and we’ll make sure he’s pumped full of fentanyl and poisoned ice cream.
But no, Fox tells Black Mask to go to hell. Black Mask is about to pull out his little pea shooter when Ugly Circe stops him in his tracks. “NO! If he’s dead, Black Mask, he’s no use to you – and Bruce Wayne won’t even care.”
Financial directors are a dime a dozen! Bruce can find another one working behind the cash register at Safeway. While Black Mask compliments Circe on her good idea, Bruce continues standing like a constipated zebra trying not to blow his cover and intervene.
Black Mask instructs Skullface (Bruce) to escort Fox into the Mask Room with the help of Tattoo (Not Bruce).

War! War war war! How about get a hobby, psycho.
In the Mask Room, Bruce whispers loudly to Fox that he’s actually Bruce and that he should relax, guy. He’ll get him a snack and a Superman comic book soon. Outside the room, he tells Black Mask that he knows some pretty nifty torture tricks, which Black Mask agrees to let him use tomorrow night. Like pulling a rabbit out of his butt. Tricks like that. For now, it’s almost 10 o’clock. Time for the “meet”. A real man’s night out. Group howl. Running naked through the woods.
At Gotham Police Headquarters, Robin is talking to Gordon about the abduction of Lucius “Fancy Pants” Fox. Robin tells him that Batman is with Black Mask right now, and Gordon is like “What the fuck, son? I could’ve sent my fatass cop friends to bust the place up”. Robin tells Gordon to hold his beautiful horses; Bruce wants to learn all he can from the inside, take down the whole operation. Real clandestine stuff. He even told Robin to go home and stroke his schlong for a few days. Sit this one out. No one needs you, kid.
“But what if he’s forced to make a move alone?” Gordon asks. Robin says he’ll take care of it (which gives Gordon the most severe drop in his stomach you could possibly imagine) and fucks off into the night.
The “meet” is at a seedy bar called Sharkey’s. A bunch of masked thugs are enjoying some brewskies and an Edmonton Oilers game on the telly while Tattoo tells all the monkeys to cork it and listen up: no more arson for now. Let’s move onto extortion, hijacking, drugs, making some money so they can get clout and then shut down Wayne Industries with all their dirty money. And get some hookers on the side. And some new video games. And a pizza.
Suddenly, a couple of wiseguys start griping about the masks. “Why do we gotta wear these dumb things?” one asks, causing Bruce to smile behind his own shitty mask. “A revolt – interesting to see how he’ll handle it…”
This is how Tattoo will handle it:

This one’s for askin’ ‘bout da mask! And this one here’s ‘bout askin’ ‘bout da mask some more! And this one here…
Tattoo reiterates that Black Mask is in charge and that tall drink of water tells them all to wear masks, so wear the fucking masks. Capisce? Now “meet” at Sharkey’s tomorrow, same time, for more specifics and for nickel martini night. Go Oilers!
Later, Tattoo gets asked by Black Mask what he thinks of Skullface (that’s Bruce, remember!), and Tattoo tells him that the fucker asks too many questions. Someone should teach him a hard, board-with-a-nail-through-it lesson…
Robin later tells Batman that he rigged the windowpane of Black Mask’s lair with a transmitter so he can hear every thrust of his dick into Circe’s ravaged nethers. Robin warns Batman that Black Mask’s group is getting wise to him, but Batman disagrees even after Robin insists that they’re all suspicious of Skullface. Batman tells the kid to put a sock in it and go stroke that schlong, citizen! Or, rather, keep those headphones on and let him know if they start pounding Lucius Fox’s face into raw hamburger meat. Batman out.
In Gordon’s smoke-filled office, Jimmy talks to his bride-to-be Sarah about his relationship with Batman some more. As you recall, Sarah doesn’t trust Batman as far as she can throw him and she can throw a shotput from Manitoba to Alberta (Go Oilers!). Batman opens the window behind Gordon and makes himself at home. Sarah gets up and walks the hell out of there.

I’ll be playing pool at Sharkey’s and eating chicken wings, Commissioner. And no one’s going to stop me!
Batman vows to bring down Black Mask ASAP. Gordon points out that Batman refuses to share where and how he’ll be bringing Black Mask down. Batman tells him his primary objectives are to save lives and bring down bad guys, and if you’ve got a problem with that you can speak to Mr. Fist! He’s Batman’s old buddy Frank Fist, and he handles the books. Got it?
Batman returns to the roof where Robin is eavesdropping on Black Mask’s sexual moaning. “I’ll take over now – you’ve got sleep and school,” says Batman, taking Robin down a peg. Robin protests like a whiny baby for about two panels before shoving off and leaving Batman with the headphones.
“Another night and day with little or no sleep while problems smolder and multiply on Bruce Wayne’s desk… It’s not age, so maybe it’s simply the effects of too much time put in. Maybe sustained and prolonged stress is the one thing no man can train himself to overcome. And maybe there’s a limit to how much evil and madness anyone can endure within a never-ending maelstrom of gunpowder, blades, and blood. But one thing’s for certain… tomorrow night will be… something.”
Thank you, helpful narration! You really petered out at the end there, though. And here I am at the edge of my seat! We gotta keep this show rolling!
The next morning, Batman is dressed as Skullface still staking out Black Mask’s lair. Robin shows up with his HIP SUNGLASSES and insists on taking over. Bruce is like “fine” and lies down for two winks. About fourteen nanoseconds go by before Robin wakes him up. Bruce is woozy and wobbly. Perhaps he’s coming down with something? No matter! He’s here to save Lucius Fox, and if he ruptures a brain vessel in the process then so be it.

It’s basically just 1 part baking soda, water, yellow dye #5, chamomile tea, and 99 parts fluoroboric acid.
Black Mask nudges Skullface (that’s Bruce, remember??) to use his special waterproof makeup! In a diluted concentration, it turns the wearer into a hideous beast like Circe here. *points* Look at that sexy, melted face! Now, Fox, spill everything you know about Wayne Industries’ security system and forces or Skullheadface is going to outfit you with an Ouchie Mask. You feel me?
Fox says “aw hell naw”, and is about to get stuck with mask when Skullface (BRUCE!) leaps over to them and kicks the mask out of Black Mask’s hands with a PAFT. Robin overhears Tattoo call Skullface a cop. Tattoo judo chops Bruce’s neck and starts tearing off his disguise! Black Mask recognizes that dashing young man at once! Time to take out his shooty gun and fill his face full of–
“NOOO!!” Circe knocks Black Mask’s gun arm over to the right a few inches as he shoots, killing no one unfortunately. Bruce lets off a stinky smoke bomb and leaps out the window, using Lucius Fox’s head to smash it into pieces. lol.
Bruce is going back in, Robin! Take Fox and Circe to the hospital forthwith! He’ll distract the goons until the police arrive to eat donuts and kill black people for no reason! Move move move move move!!
Black Mask continues shooting all willy-nilly in the smoke-filled room. Tattoo moves Black Mask out of the building just as Black Mask drops his gun! Evidence! Let’s go back and get it! No no no, no time! Arrgh!
At 10 o’clock, most of the False Face Society is swilling gutter beer at Sharkey’s. The police raid the place. Bye bye, False Face Society. Take that in the pants and like it, Black Mask!
Meanwhile, outside of the lair, Batman starts kicking some ass until Tattoo starts whoopin’ his lights out with a pole. Batman gets knocked back into a pile of crates. Batman pops up with a “DO YOUR WORST!” demeanor. Tattoo kicks him in the face with a SWUNT. Tattoo thinks he has him, but Batman leaps up suddenly and uppercuts the nose right off Tattoo’s face! So to speak.
Batman turns to Black Mask, who screams and leaps off the pier into the four-foot-deep water. Batman is thwarted again!
EPILOGUE! Gordon’s bringing in all the False Face Society mopes. Batman is tired and sore and he’s losing his dang edge.
Bad news about Black Mask, though, son. He wasn’t the real deal. The body they dredged up out of the water wasn’t Roman Sionis, his mask wasn’t burned onto his face, and he didn’t have the swastika birthmark on his left buttcheek. His name was actually Harold Rambeau, a missing Wayne Corp. executive kinda guy.
Looks like you failed again, Batman! Wakka wakka!
Final Thoughts
I guess this is the end of this particular underwhelming Batman adventure! Do you know what would’ve been better? If it was Robin that drowned in the docks. “You gotta go to school, Robin!” How about you keep that kid away from scissors, he might accidentally cut his dick off. God, I hate Robin.
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