The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) – Chapter 8: “Jarra”

The Wheel of Time - Book 3 - The Dragon Reborn

Welcome to Jarra, a podunk little village full of people who, much to Loial’s chagrin, have never seen an Ogier before. Fairy tales, they call the Ogier! Children’s stories! Malarkey, it is!

Jarra has had about 95 weddings in the last 48 hours, so everyone is hungover and the streets are littered with party remnants (used condoms and needles). Perrin can smell something very unpleasant in the air, like the stench of death or White Castle hamburgers.

The group enters an inn called Harilin’s Leap where they are greeted by a frog-lookin’ motherfucker named Simion. They all get rooms. The innkeeper, Harod, is taken aback by Loial but then is fine because “at least he isn’t a Whitecloak”. Apparently, when Whiteclocks pass through town there’s usually an annoying ruckus. Three of them the other day, against their oath, threw off the cloaks and declared that they were goddamned donezo with Whitecloaking. One Whitecloak even tried to burn the village down the other day! Rude!

Later, while alone with Loial, Perrin asks Simion if he’s seen a man with Rand’s description. Simion had; Rand played for money at all the weddings, mumbling and laughing to himself constantly like a dang madman. He said someone was after him! Alarming to say the least. And the most, honestly. When Perrin says that they are following Rand to help him, Simion jumps for joy because he had an inkling that Moiraine was Aes Sedai. Perrin doesn’t make promises, but he says he’ll talk to Moiraine about healing Simion’s sick brother.

Lan is pretty upset that Perrin mentioned Rand to Simion, and Moiraine reminds the wolf boy to keep quiet lest they draw unwanted attention to themselves. Moiraine agrees to try to help Simion’s brother, and when Simion leads them to him, he presents a gross, filthy man with yellow eyes snarling and hootin’ and hollerin’. He’s been talking crazy for about a year, saying he can speak with the wolves. Perrin is all like “brrrt!” and makes a point to hide his eyes from the people in town the best he can.

Moiraine can’t help the guy. He’s too far gone. Simion understands. After Moiraine leaves, Perrin suggests letting the brother run loose and be free, and Simion agrees. After the guy runs off, Simion says he’s been hiding his brother from the Whitecloaks who are looking for a Darkfriend named Perrin with yellow eyes. Perrin is all like “brrrt!” and asks for all his meals in his room. No one will see his eyes ever again, that’s for damn sure!

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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