The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) – Chapter 10: “Secrets”

The Wheel of Time - Book 3 - The Dragon Reborn

I am relieved to stumble upon the first chapter that’s not focused on Perrin. Egwene, Nynaeve, Elaine, Hurin, Mat, and Verin the Brown Ajah Aes Sedai Colonel Sensei are horsing their way to Tar Valon. They know they’re sort of getting close because Dragonmount, the big scary mountain where Lews Therin died, is in the distance. Actually, it’s so big that it’s always in the distance. They have no idea how far they really are, I suppose! They could still be 5,000 miles away for all I know or care. Or don’t care.

Egwene is in love with Rand and wonders how he’s doing. Nynaeve tells them he’s fine. They’re all fine. Everyone’s fine! Mat’s not fine, though. He’s passed out in the litter from Dagger Poisoning and he hasn’t barely stirred in three days. Haste to the White Tower is of the utmost importance.

Hurin, the sniffer, senses trouble a-brewin’. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne quietly discuss using the One Power if they’re attacked even though they’re not allowed to use it as a weapon. The penalty for breaking Aes Sedai laws is stilling, which means removing one’s ability to reach out to saidar even though you can sense it. This is apparently a horrible, torturous punishment. Not worth the price.

Suddenly, a bunch of fucking Whitecloaks show up on horses, confirming the trouble that Hurin was sniffing out. They get all belligerent and combative. Verin tries to politely and calmly talk some sense to get through, but the girls tear shit up with their One Power and explosively erupt dirt from the ground all around the Whitecloaks. They and their horses freak the fuck out, and one falls off his horse right in front of them. He demands to be killed “just like his father”. Verin snaps out of her Brown Ajah stupor and chastises the girls forcefully, threatening expulsion from Aes Sedai Academy of the Arts. Plus, now word will get out. They won’t be able to travel as anonymously as they had hoped.

After Egwene mentions coming from Toman Head, the lone Whitecloak boggles. They were there where his father, Geofram Bornhald, was killed in battle? Fuck you! He’s Dain Bornhald, and you’re going to find that name so scary you’ll shit your pants in fear and loathing! In Las Vegas!

They ride around him and continue on their journey to the Whitest Tower in Town.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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