The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) – Chapter 11: “Tar Valon”

The Wheel of Time - Book 3 - The Dragon Reborn

The group passes through Darien, a town just outside Tar Valon that has been so often ravaged by battles and rebuilt that it’s certain that as long as Tar Valon stands, so does Darien. They are about to cross one of the many marvelous bridges that join Tar Valon with its neighboring villages and cities. Egwene has a feeling of returning home, as much as she’s guilty about that as an Emond’s Fielder. Right before they enter the Tower, Hurin takes his leave as he is to return to Fal Dara to bring news of the Dragon Reborn. Then he fucks off without another glance! Bye Hurin, we’ll see you again during the Sniffer Rebellion uprising. The one where 75 villages get torched in Book 11. ‘Twil be fun.

Before entering the Tower, Verin talks to a guard secretly by telling him secrets and gives him a secret task to complete secretly. Sheriam Sedai, the Mistress of Novices, approaches with three young Accepted to speak with Verin. When Egwene begins to plead for Mat’s health, Verin snaps at her with ferocity that Egwene didn’t know she was even capable of. Verin must see the Amyrlin Seat immediately. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne are all to go with Sheriam to get their punishments dished out and so forth (they’ll probably end up getting a fucking parade, honestly).

The three girls will be confined to their rooms, with each girl being assigned an Accepted to guard her. Nynaeve gets a nice one, Theodrin. One named Faolain is extremely jealous of Nynaeve because she rose to the rank of Accepted by basically doing nothing. She wants the girls to slip up so she ran rat them out to Sheriam as soon as possible. She sounds like a real cunt. Egwene thinks Faolain will be Red Ajah, aka “Cunt Ajah”, with the rest of the cunts.

These chapters have been more interesting than the Wolf Boy chapters. I hope we continue to focus on the Aes Sedai and their smooth, smooth, cherubic cheeks.

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