The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) – Chapter 15: “The Gray Man”

The Wheel of Time - Book 3 - The Dragon Reborn

Egwene and Nynaeve discuss amongst themselves as they head back to their quarters. Nynaeve believes that Liandrin wouldn’t have taken them away from the Tower if she didn’t see them as a threat, whatever it may be. If there are any Black Ajah still in the Tower, they may see the two as a threat as well. On your guard! Concealed carry! Lock and load, bitches!

When they reach the Novice quarters, Elayne isn’t there. Nynaeve wants to stick around and wait for Elayne so they can all talk, but suddenly an arrow flings through the air and nicks Egwene’s ear. Ouch, etc.

This seems like the first I’m hearing of it, but the One Power comprises of Five Powers: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit. By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

I just realized that I’m interchanging “Nynaeve” and “Nyneave”. Forgive me if you see the wrong spelling literally everywhere.

Nyneaeaeve channels Air to trap the assassin. They round the corner and find a boring, Pete Buttgieg-looking plain-ass motherfucker running in midair with a dagger embedded in his chest. Dead as one of them doornails. No crossbow of any kind, though. There must be another assassin running loose! Sheriam shows up to ask WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ALL THIS– GASP! This man is cuh-razy! He’s dead though. “More” than dead, which means he’s one of the Soulless. A Gray Man. One who gives up his or her soul to become an assassin of the Dark One. They look non-descript and blend in to their surroundings, and they’ll kill you before you even know what happened. Sheriam tells the two to speak of this to no one, and Egwene makes an excuse to grab her cloak so that she can check the quarrel back where she was almost killed. It’s gone.

Egwene comes back and takes Nynaeve away from the scene of the crime. Nynaeve found it very odd that, among all the talking, Sheriam never wondered who killed the Gray Man…

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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