With his business finished, Mat is led out of the Palace by Tallanvor. On his way out, Tallanvor gives the original guard shit for not letting in a young man who had an OFFICIAL SEALED ENVELOPE FROM THE DAUGHTER-HEIR. Tallanvor, when they’re alone, leans… in… real… close… and asks Mat if he knows about Sheriam. Mat doesn’t. Tallanvor gets weird and wistful about it, like he fucked Sheriam in a past life, then lets Mat go about his day.
Back at the library of the Queen’s Blessing, Gill and Thom are still playing their 10-hour game of stones. TIME TO GO, GENTLEMEN. Mat’s outta this popsicle stand. Thom asks what the hurry is, they just got here. Mat ignores him and asks Gill about Gaebril. There’s a lot of boring stuff about Gaebril, mostly that he sucks and looks like Jon Hamm. He showed up while Morgase was in Tar Valon, and she was so happy with how he handled things that she made him her advisor. But what’s his angle? Can’t be a ruling king, there ain’t no ruling kings in Andor. Only women can rule. Hmm…
Mat spills the beans about Gaebril’s plan to kill Elayne. And also Egwene and Nynaeve, sort of, as an afterthought. Thom suggests spreading a “rumor” and let the whole city know within a couple of days. Gill is down for that, he’s good at hiding and being the patient zero of rumors.
Thom is tired and wants Mat to wait until the next morning to leave for Tear, but Mat doesn’t want to wait. So Thom’s like “I guess being in Caemlyn longer than I have to might get me killed”. They plan on moving on to Aringill and catching a ship to Tear from there.
And the adventure continues. Yawn.
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