While Nynaeve wanders the streets of Tear, she thinks she sees a man who looks like Rand, but shrugs it off as an illusion. She runs into Juilin Sandar, who reports that he has found all the big, bad, nasty women. They are in the Stone of Tear chillin’ with High Lord Samon, don’tcha know? This makes Sandar nervous as a frightened skunk, it does!
After returning to Ailhuin’s house, Nynaeve discovers the woman trapped by Aes Sedai magic. Liandrin and Rianna are there smiling devilishly. Nynaeve punches Liandrin right in the kisser, which got a “you go gurl” from me. Then she runs to escape, but the two Black Ajah trap her too, telling her that Egwene tried to escape too and they almost drove her mad with offensive saidar. You will obey, child, else you get the back of the hand!
Ailhuin promises to stay quiet about all this to spare her life. Nynaeve is taken to another room with two more Black Ajah and Elayne/Egwene banged up and bruised as the dickens. They leave the house, discovering Sandar outside. Nynaeve is pissed! Traitor! J6! Witch hunt! But, as it turns out, he was coerced to spare his life! These manipulative Black Ajah. I’m beginning to think that they’re no good!
The Black Ajah throw the girls into a coach and ride off, planning on using the young women as “bait”. “Bait” for the “net”, as it were. For Be’lal the Forsaken. He’s going to be sending 13 myrddraal to do that thing where they convert people from the Light to the Dark. Muahahaha, etc.
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