The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 21: “Listen to the Wind”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

Nynaeve alert! She gets her own chapter, and it’s an informative one!

She’s ok. She had fallen asleep in the woods, which she chastises herself for. She could’ve ended up in a Trolloc’s cookpot just for catching forty winks! Bad Nynaeve! *slaps herself* Bad bad bad! *slap slap slap*

She gets on her horse and ambles around the woods, wondering what became of the rest of the group. Eventually, she stumbles upon Moiraine and Lan camped out in a clearing and sneaks behind a tree undetected. Moiraine notices before Lan does, which is a big win for Nynaeve and a big shit for Lan. Warder my ass.

Before Moiraine tells Nynaeve to come out of hiding, she and Lan are discussing the shear number of Trollocs that have been ambushing them since the beginning of this adventure. An ungodly amount of Trollocs. Too many god-fucked-damn Trollocs, please excuse my fucking French. Why? Where are they all coming from? Who is sending them? And other questions!

In a scene that has really solidified my opinion that Nynaeve is the best character, she gets all up in Moiraine’s business and not afraid of pissing off the all-might Aes Sedai. OooooOOooOOOooo, an Aes Sedai. Big whoop. Tell Nynaeve what’s going on or she’ll Aes Sedai you right back, buddy! Which is funny, because Moiraine takes the opportunity to start lording Aes Sedai-dom over Nynaeve’s head. After all, she can channel the One Power too. Don’t believe her? Here is a whole bag full of evidence that you, Nynaeve, have been able to get anything you want when you really want it. Healing people, avoiding death, all sorts of voodoo magic.

Nynaeve is stubborn at first, but after a mountain of indisputable recounts of real-life Aes Sedai-type behavior, she has no choice but to give in and admit that she might possibly be everything that she hates. It’s a real shame.

It doesn’t change the fact that, from Nynaeve’s perspective, Moiraine just whisked these kids away from their homes on a fool’s errand suicide mission. Moiraine argues that the Dark One is after them, and as long as the Dark One is after them it is her mission to thwart the Dark One. So nyah. And also, come along if you wish. Moiraine had given silver coins to the three boys to track them way back in Emond’s Field prior to Bel Tine. She still has her radar on Perrin, but we the readers known that Rand and Mat had given theirs to Domon the ship captain. As a result, Moiraine has lost her connection with those two and makes it a priority to track them down.

Nynaeve tags along, vowing revenge on Moiraine for whisking these kids away from their homes on a fool’s errand suicide mission!

It’s getting interesting. As I expected and hoped, the team has been separated and each will start having their own separate events unfold. At least for a little while. Me likey.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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