The Eye of the World (Book 1) – Chapter 36: “Web of the Pattern”

The Wheel of Time - Book 1 - The Eye of the World

Mat and Rand are hanging out in Master Basel Gill’s Caemlyn inn eating scraps and shooting the shit. Rand is apprehensive, insisting that Gill’s help will only get him in trouble, but as they say, “ANY FRIEND OF THOM’S IS A FRIEND OF MINE”. People say that, but not necessarily that specific and not really in such a circumstance. But people say it!

Rand wants to scope out this Elaida, the Queen’s Aes Sedai, but since Mat and Rand have the connection to Thom they probably should steer clear lest they find their own heads on spikes, perhaps.

Mat’s getting depressed — not eating, doomposting, naysaying, and all around being a wet blanket. He thinks all his friends are dead, but Rand gently reminds him that HE HAS NO FRIENDS! HAHAHAHAHA!! And also be positive, you annoying little brat. Rand gets sick of his shit, so he decides to start exploring the inn. He checks out the massive library (if you call 400 books “massive”) and meets a Ogier named Loial. As you may recall, it’s the Ogiers who developed the steddings — the sanctuaries from the magical beings, good and bad.

Loial is polite, yet accidentally unkind when it comes to discussing human nature. Loial’s been having a good time exploring the world, the “groves” if you will that his Ogier ancestors built in the cities. He himself is about 90 years old, but he knows a great deal about the ancient civilizations and stories of the land and is sad that a lot of the cities have fallen to ruins over the last few hundreds of years. Rand mentions the word “avendesora”, which freaks Loial out and calls Rand out as an Aielman (from what I presume to be an individual from the Aiel Wastes). He, of course, defends his honor as a man NOT of the Aiel Wastes my good sir! Then he mentions the Two Rivers, or the ancient name of Manetheren, and Loial’s ears perk up once again! Now everyone’s happy.

Rand finds himself blurting out everything about his journey so far, even the stuff he has been afraid to tell anyone. Loial spends some time teaching Rand about the Pattern and decides that he just might be special enough to set the threads of the Pattern himself, which Rand denies. Then Loial requests joining Rand on his journey, which Rand declines politely because he’s still afraid of roping anyone new into his troubles. Loial is sad and asks, then, to visit him more while he stays in Caemlyn. Rand accepts.

If Loial doesn’t join Rand on his journey I’ll eat fourteen hats.

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