The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 1: “The Flame of Tar Valon”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Rand and Co. are still hanging out near the Blight. Rand and Lan are swordfighting for training on the top of a tower, and during this planned skirmish you’ve got Lan dunking on Rand. Asking him what he’s still doing around the Blight. Asking him why he hasn’t hoisted his tall ass and made his way out yet, Rand claims that the heron-marked sword of his will draw too much attention. He refuses to sell it, of course, since it’s his only tie to ol’ whats-his-name. Maybe-Father. Tam. Lan advises him to sell it, since the rarity of such a sword will make him an easy target no matter where he goes.

Rand has the gall to ask Lan why these swords are so rare and precious in the first place. It’s because Aes Sedai were making these “power-marked” swords before the Breaking of the World. After the Breaking, they vowed to stop making more power swords. Any that are left are rare and precious. Like my love, or a good steak. Rand’s sword is possible 3,000 years old! Like a Jesus-and-a-half.

Rand admits it’s not just the sword training that’s holding him back. It’s his friends. And Moiraine is being weird and rude and ignoring him a lot lately, which doesn’t sound like a reason to me for anything, honestly.

Suddenly, Rand and Lan hear an approaching convoy of Aes Sedai flying a banner with the Flame of Tar Valon on it. The Amyrlin Seat herself is there with them, so this must be pretty much every Aes Sedai in the world.

The chapter ends, leaving my balls blue with anticipation! What are these Aes Sedai here for? Cockfighting and other debauchery? Matching tattoos? What happens in Fal Dara stays in Fal Dara, I always say.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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