The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 5: “The Shadow in Shienar”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Moiraine and Siuan speak more about Patterns and weavings and quilts and knitting and tessellations and tile floors. They both agree with all that “the Pattern weaves as the Pattern wills” bullshit, and if that means doing some shady shit to fulfill some prophecies, so be it. There have been only two Amyrlins who have been kicked out of their seat, and Siuan is worried about being stripped of her title. Moiraine slaps her around and tells her to pull herself together! *slap* They need to do the right thing! *slap slap*

Siuan mentions that the presence of the Horn of Valere means “the time is near”, and is responsible for all the false Dragons. Through all the hubbub, Siuan worries they may have indeed gentled the real Dragon Reborn, but Moiraine assures her that that would be impossible. *slap*

Since Moiraine is 103% sure that Rand is the real Dragon Reborn, her newly hatched plan is to have Rand take the Horn of Valere to a region called Illian. By just bringing the Horn he will have declared himself, and he will garner followers, and they’ll all enjoy a nice Kool-Aid party.

There’s a brief detour in this chapter to a guy named Geofram Bornhald, a leader of the Whitecloaks. Under orders, he led 2,000 men to a village whose habitants had been completely slaughtered by the higher-up Whitecloaks to leave no witnesses. There’s something here about Toman Head and Artur Hawkwing’s armies, but I fell asleep while reading this part of the chapter and now I have drool all over my book. Time to buy a new copy!

Liandrin, the bitchy Red Ajah, makes her way to Lady Amalisa’s quarters. Getting her alone, Liandrin hits her with the One Power in order to try to force her to scour the keep for Rand, Mat, Perrin and turn them in. Liandrin aims to DESTROY them.

We end with good ol’ insane Fain Padan, who sits in his cell mumbling. Someone unknown — someone Fain didn’t expect — opens the door to the guardroom to Fain’s pleasure…

Fain’s gettin’ a conjugal visit! Don’t come a-knockin’!

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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