The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 7: “Blood Calls Blood”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

So Mat’s a wretched, half-dead little whelp. He’s being led out of dungeons to recover elsewhere after being healed by a couple of up-and-coming Aes Sedaises. Have I talked about Verin yet? She’s a Brown Ajah — the group who are only interested in research — who bluntly and emotionlessly comments that Mat’s gonna be dead if they don’t find that dagger. Too bad that having the dagger isn’t good for Mat either, but at least he won’t die with it. Maybe he’ll be permanently affected by it. Like, now he’ll spit fire or be left-handed or something else equally unsavory. By the way, even if they find the dagger, how are they going to get it back to Mat safely? Wrap it in a dang rag while carrying it? It’s not a hot potato, son.

Verin casually and correctly guesses that Rand, Mat, or Perrin must be the one who can channel the One Power. This throws Siuan and Moiraine completely for a loop. Verin didn’t inform the Reds because one of them must be the Dragon Reborn. Siuan is completely stunned that Verin knows this, but keeps her cool.

Meanwhile, Perrin visits Mat in the, uh, sick ward. Mat wakes up for a moment all disoriented, but certainly not left-handed. He doesn’t remember anything, then he falls back asleep. Leane, whom I don’t think I’ve mentioned before? Have I? Keeper of the Chronicles, whatever that means? She’s about 8ft tall, almost as tall as Perrin. She walks into the room, which throws Perrin off a little bit. Leane only half-assures him that Mat’s going to be ok, then she catches a glimpse of his eyes. Perrin gets snarly and growly, picks Leane up, moves her gently out of the way, and takes his leave.

Perrin bumps into Rand, and he’s not happy to see him. They have a tense back-and-forth until Perrin lightens up a little bit. When Rand puts his foot down that he’ll still be leaving and going on his journey alone, Perrin huffs and leaves the room. Almost immediately, Lan enters the room to let Rand know that he has been summoned by Siuan! The Amyrlin Seat herself! Put on your best parka, sir. Look nice!

Rand is terrified. He’s gonna get gentled as fuck.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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