The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 10: “The Hunt Begins”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

And they’re off! Led by Ingtar, the group heads south on horseback. Perrin and Mat are being bitches and won’t let Rand ride with them, mostly because of his lordliness and his ornate clothing. When they stop for camp, Rand finds out that the only clothes he has packed are these frilly formal clothes. You know, the kind a lord would wear!

This one guy named Masema, he has never been friendly with Rand. Rand asks Ingtar what the ungodly fuck Masema’s problem is, and Ingtar tells him that he is no friend to the Aiel. And even if Rand insists that he is of the Two Rivers, Masema still sees the unmistakable black eyes and butt chin of the Aiel in Rand (lol, I’m just a-kiddin’. Something about the hair though. Who cares). Loial is all like “I THOUGHT RAND WAS AN AIEL TOO WHEN I FIRST MET HIM HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I’M TALKING!”

The next day they find an abandoned Darkfriends camp. There are human bones by the firepit. Human bones and organs and eyeballs and fingers and pants that say “JUICY” on the butt. Hurin the Sniffer says they went the other way now, so they go the other way. Then after a while, they go the other way. Then the other way. And Ingtar gets pissed because this is a waste of time for everyone. Eventually, they find a deserted village. Not only deserted, but it looks like it was suddenly deserted. Like the rapture happened. Do they have raptures in the world of the Wheel of Time? I sure hope not, that would be ridiculous! Uno, one of Ingtar’s burly manly men, claims he sees a woman in white in one of the house windows. But when he barges his ass into the house, she isn’t there…

After crossing the river, the group finds two of Fal Dara’s guards, Changu and Nidao, hanging from trees and skinned alive. Everyone is like “gross”. They bury the bodies and keep on moving.

They find another similarly deserted village. Rand steps into a house and starts seeing visions of the family who used to live there and their last moments. This part of the book repeats the same paragraph three times as Rand keeps seeing the same vision over and over again. It won’t stop, and Rand freaks out. Eventually, he does something One Powery that allows him to break free from the loop and hobble out of the house. No one else experienced this weird encounter. Rand poops his pants.

They find a barn with a Myrddraal nailed to the door through its eye sockets. Something really, really fucked up must have been able to do this to a goshdarned Myrddraal! They move on again.

Moving on. Moving on.

Moving on.

*moving on*

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