The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 20: “Saidin”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Selene is pushy, and after traveling a bit a time during the night she’s like “LET ME SEE THAT HORN OF YOURS, RANDY.” Rand tells her No Way, Jose. If they open that chest then the tainted dagger will leap out and bite them all in the genitals. Best to just leave well enough alone and all that. Noticing her youthful appearance despite her VINTAGE ENERGY, Rand asks Selene if she is an Aes Sedai, which gets her all steamed up and ranty and gives everyone the good ol’ silent treatment. After a time she starts talking and being nice to Loial and Hurin while ignoring Rand. Rand can feel his erection dwindling with each moment that passes.

After traveling some more, the group comes across a giant stone hand holding a crystal sphere in some sort of huge hole in the ground. Proximity to the sphere causes the void to swell inside him as if his heart grew three sizes that day. Selene is like “no, let’s get away, that’s dangerous” because something fishy is going on here with her and obviously this giant crystal sphere is going to send her back to Gloobus Janvar Beta where she belongs. She even promises to stop talking about the Horn if he just, you know, walks the fuck away. He’s too entranced to move. The void feels like seven women sucking his dick at once. Or him sucking his own dick. Whatever’s easier.

He becomes, as the book writes “one with the sphere”. He fights hard to break away and finally does while shouting, scaring his companions. Loial tells him he was just standing there mumbling to himself. Ok, that’s cool and good. We’ll work on that later.

They reach a village and check into a hotel. One with a swimming pool. Loial brought his speedos. Selene tells Rand that she was scared by the sphere, and she just wants to ride away with him. And the Horn. Rand gets huffy and storms away.

Selene wants to bone that Horn.

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