The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 27: “The Shadow in the Night”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Heading back from Thom’s inn, Rand and Loial pass through the Foregate area where the party is still happening, baby. They end up in a quieter area, alone, where they are attacked by a Trolloc.

They fight the Trollocs for half the chapter. Running away, they encounter Selene who calmly asks what in the gods-damned hell they’re doing. Rand is like “BLAHABAAHABLHAB THERE ARE TROLLOCS AFOOT”, and Selene is like “No man with the HORN OF VALLLEEEERRREE would get himself into this pickle!”

They hide in an Illuminator chapterhouse and spy on a couple named Tammuz and Aludra who are “preparing” for “something”. This will pay off in about eleven books, but for now the group leaves when the coast is clear. The pass around a large pile of fireworks, but Loial, the big dumb oaf, accidentally sets them off somehow. A real comedy of errors! Someone gets a pie in the face, too. This chapter sucks.

Something about Illuminators and more Trollocs and more fighting. It’s boring.

The chapter ends with Rand receiving a note from “an old woman”, which is sealed with the same wax seal that Selene used earlier when she was going to wait for them in Cairhien. The note says the following: “When I think I know what you are going to do, you do something else. You are a dangerous man. Perhaps it will not be long before we are together again. Think of the Horn. Think of the glory. And think of me, for you are always mine.”

Selene sucks. I’m glad this chapter is over.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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