The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 28: “A New Thread in the Pattern”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Perrin POV chapter. The Wolfman looks around at his posse. Mat’s looking more pale and gaunt with each passing day, and Verin tries to tend to him but Mat’s all fucked up and daggerless. Plus, Verin cares more about Rand anyway.

Perrin’s wolf buddies told him via telepathy or Wolf Skype that there have been people in the area they’re in, and Perrin supposes that they must be Fain and his Darkfriends. Ingtar asks Perrin what the wolves have been saying, and they’ve been saying that they want more Hostess Cupcakes. Also, there’s a man they deem “Shadowkiller” who is able to kill Trollocs and bugs and shit. The Trollocs and Fades and Darkfriends, and Fain, are now in pursuit of this Shadowkiller (it’s Rand, duh).

Speaking of Aielmen like Rand (!), the group encounters such a savage on their path. His name is Urien, and everyone is on their guard. Mat thinks Urien looks like Rand, who definitely has the butt tattoo and the South Park t-shirt of an Aielman himself. Ingtar approaches to talk, looking for a fight, but Urien isn’t interested in fighting. The Aielman bows to Verin and calls her “the Wise One”, which makes Verin all giddy like a schoolgirl. I didn’t know the Brown Ajah had emotions!

When asked if Urien has seen any Darkfriends, he answers in the negative but would love to meet them! They sound pleasant! Verin asks about Wise Ones and Urien describes a place called Rhuidean where women and men pilgrimage to become Wise Ones and Clan Chiefs. Usually, these women and men don’t survive the trip, but the ones that survive become Wise Ones and/or Chiefs. Urien gets nervous because there’s a prophecy that tells of Aes Sedai killing the Aielmen if they “fail them again”. Verin’s like “uhhhh, yeah, I won’t kill you today, sir” and asks Urien what he’s doing so far away from the Aiel Wastes. And, of course, since that tall bitch is ta’veren, Rand is woven into Urien’s pattern and all that. Urien is searching for Rand, who he knows as “He Who Comes with the Dawn”. Rand will come to Rhuidean and lead the Aiel away from the Wastes under the symbol of the Aes Sedai. Verin doesn’t know where this man is, so Urien continues his quest.

Verin is unnerved by this, and now they have to make haste! Haste, I say! Haste!

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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