The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 29: “Seanchan”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

A Bornhald / Domon chapter. Grab a nap.

On the Bornhald side of things, on the way to Toman Head they pass into a burning village where he finds people — some children — hanging from gallows. Bornhald orders one of his soldiers, Muadh, to cut them down and demands who is responsible. Muadh says it’s the Questioners’ doing. In this town, they are dressed as civilians and they order Bornhald to ride away from Toman Head. Bornhald doesn’t like what he’s seeing, and decides to directly oppose the Questioners’ orders and continue toward Toman Head.

On the Domon side of things, he is on his ship, the Spray, getting chased down by Seanchan ships off the coast of Toman Head. The rumors speak of the Seanchan using monsters and Aes Sedai as allies in their pursuits. Soon, torrents of water and flame flank either side of the Spray so Domon decides to surrender before his ship gets totally trashed, man.

Soon, Domon’s ship gets boarded by a group of Seanchan. Domon is shocked — SHOCKED — SHOCKED — that the Seanchan commanding officer is a woman: Captain Egeanin, and she sounds fuckin’ hot. Except for the weird slurred speech, but I guess my heart goes out to Dena the Gleewoman in this particular book. Or Nynaeve, obviously. ANYWAY, Domon asks Egeanin if she is Aes Sedai, which is responded by a prompt, firm slap to the supple cheek. “Don’tyoudaresaythatshitagain” she says slurringly. Captain Edamame will escort the Spray to Falme and if he swears oaths toward the Seanchan, Domon and his crew will be allowed to go.

Amidst this, Domon notices a woman holding a leash to the neck collar of another woman, which Egeanin refers to as her damane. This is basically a personal Aes Sedai slave, so I don’t know what Egeanin’s problem is. Call a spade a spade.

In Falme, Egeanin presents Domon to the High Lord Turak and an item she took from Domon’s ship — wrapped in silk. A cuendillar. A stone bearing an Aes Sedai symbol. Domon claims he doesn’t know exactly what it is, just that he collects such interesting artifacts. Turak places the stone among his vast collection, a collection that is worth an entire kingdom. Then Turak is very interested in learning how a humble trader such as Domon came across a cuendillar in the first place.

Domon poops his pants.

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