The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 34: “The Wheel Weaves”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

At the end of the night, Thom “Thom Merrilin” Merrilin works his way back to his inn all huffy and puffy about the evening he just had to endure at Barthanes’ house. To add insult to injury, he returns to his room to discover that Dena’s throat had been slit. Too bad, too. She was very attractive and spunky. Would’ve made a great character. Would’ve replaced Rand nicely.

Two men lie waiting in the room, and after a brief throwing of knives, Thom destroys the both of them to death! Before he kills the second one, the hapless bitch tells Thom that Barthanes sent them to get more information about Rand. Thom was all “fuck you” about it, obviously.

Zera the innkeeper comes in shocked and asks Thom why he’s getting involved in Daes Dae’mar all over again. Thom denies that he is, but Zera doesn’t believe him. She tells him that Barthanes was found dead just now, “torn apart and his head on a spike”. Thom needs to leave Cairhien forthwith!

Zera recognizes one of the men as King Galldrian’s, which sends Thom into a tizzy. Gonna kill that king forthwith! Zera tells Thom that he’s a silly goose. Recognizing his silly goose ways, Thom leaves the inn forthwith.

What’s Padan Fain up to these days? (Who cares?) He’s entering Falme in Toman Head with the chest containing the Horn and the dagger. The High Lord Turak (the guy whom Domon gave the cuendillar) accepts Fain’s arrival. Fain promises that the contents of the chest will allow Turak to conquer the world. Fain intended to have the upper hand by opening the chest for Turak, but Turak takes it upon himself to open the chest. This angers Fain, but he keeps quiet. Turak pulls out the Horn and is confused. Fain tells him it’s the Horn of Valere, something Turak isn’t aware of whatsoever. Fain maintains his “patience”, anxious to accept the dagger as a gift for bringing the Horn. Turak isn’t too impressed yet. Finally, Fain’s patience runs dry and he makes a grab for the dagger; he gets restrained by one of Turak’s bouncers. Fain gets angry again, all like “THE DAGGER IS MINE, RAAWWWWRRR!” like a stupid-ass doofus.

Turak becomes more interested when Fain fabricates a story about how the Horn has been passed down his family for generations. Artur Hawkwind’s descendants are returning the land, and the Horn must be sounded forthwith! Turak has no interest in puckering up his fat lips and blowing through the Horn himself; he will bring it to the Empress forthwith! Fain thinks Turak should blow the fucking Horn, but Turak says that doing so will show disloyalty to the Empress. Fine. Whatever. Don’t blow the Horn. See if I care.

Turak intends to keep Fain with him. Fain insists that Darkfriends are following him to retrieve the Horn. Turak thinks that’s malarkey! Fain is to stay, and stay he does. Fuck him.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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