The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 37: “What Might Be”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Alar leads the group to the Portal Stone. Have fun. Bye.

Verin, while having the know-how of Portal Stone activation and travel, has not nearly enough power to do it herself. Rand will need to do it. The Portal Stone is full of Stargate-like symbols representing other worlds. Verin knows that some worlds are more dangerous than others. Some might even have breathable air. Some may even just be voids in space! So, be a dear and pick the right one at random. Verin is confident that Rand cannot die until the universe is done with him, ta’veren-style. Rand reluctantly accepts this and decides upon a random symbol to feel up and try to phase into another world.

…except something’s wrong. Verin can tell. Different lives keep flickering before Rand’s eyes. One where he and Tam die from the first book’s Trolloc invasion. One where Rand marries Egwene (the Wisdom of Emond’s Field) and Aes Sedai don’t exist; Trollocs invade the town and Rand dies fighting. One where Egwene dies one week before her and Rand’s wedding; Rand leaves town and becomes a Queen’s Guard in Caemlyn; Rand uses saidin to rise the ranks; Rand leads men against the Seanchan; Caemlyn is invaded and Rand dies fighting. One after another after another after another. Straight from the book: “He was farmer, gleeman, sailor, carpenter. He was born, lived, and died an Aiel. He died mad, he died rotting, he died of sickness, accident, age. He was executed, and multitudes cheered his death.” Just a whole lifetime of lifetimes. And each time, Rand dies. And each time, a voice says “I have won again, Lews Therin.”

When it’s finally over and done, the group is shaky and vomiting and sad and crying. They are in Toman Head, but about four months behind schedule. Once Verin chastises Rand for abusing too much of the One Power, they set out west.

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