The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 38: “Practice”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Egwene and the Girls are hanging out in their college dorm. Nynaeve is frustrated that she’s had to resist the urge to play with saidar within the last few months outside of lessons, but Egwene is taking the risk and doing it anyway. Min and Egwene talk about Galad, that sexy piece o’ man, and how he seems to have eyes only for Egwene and no one else. Egwene blushes and gets moist in the ol’ loins, which is gross and I’m sorry that I even mentioned it.

Elayne has news! King Galldrian is dead and there is unrest in Cairhien. That, plus a fucking war in Toman Head, son. Logain hangs around, a shell of a man, reminding Egwene that he hasn’t dreamed of the REAL Dragon Reborn (Rand al’Gebra) for so long that she thinks he might be dead. Or worse! (Soul all chewed up by soul-eating monsters without souls themselves.)

After a time, Egwene asks Min to see their futures and tell them if they all become full-fledged Aes Sedai. She gives it a shot and learns, actually, that they’re all going to be in some kind of danger! Whoops! It’s too bad she can’t be more specific, because that could mean anything! Falling down a well. Eating bad sushi. Becoming fans of Big Brother on CBS.

After a time, Liandrin storms in the room all like “Raargh, blaargh” about nothing in particular. She orders Min and Elayne out of the room and tells Egwene and Nynaeve that they may be able to help the young whipper-snappers that are also from their little podunk town. It’s a little suspicious, but they do offer to go with Liandrin to Toman Head. They are to speak of this to nobody. Not Min. Not Elayne. Nobody in one of those AOL chat rooms they like to use all day. Nobody. Liandrin tells them to meet her near a nearby stedding and to be careful since the Black Ajah roam the halls of the White Tower and they’re evil and prickly. Then she leaves the room.

Egwene is worried that Liandrin may know about Rand. Nynaeve is suspicious of Liandrin as well. Min and Elayne come back into the room; having heard the whole conversation, they ask if Egwene and Nynaeve are really going to go and if they can join them. After briefly trying to convince them otherwise, Nynaeve gives up and they all plan on leave to the stedding area as soon as ASAP possible.

WHAT IS LIANDRIN UP TO? Perhaps she’s going to unsheathe a sword and then kick them down a well with bellies full of bad sushi.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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