The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 39: “Flight from the White Tower”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

The time has come, the Walrus said, the leave the White Tower on a mission to Toman Head. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne scurry along while Min brings up the rear with their luggage. They make it to the stables where the stable boy was only expecting two people. Nynaeve threatens him with a knuckle sandwich from Fist City, and the stable boy saddles up four horses ma’am, right away ma’am. They ride out to the stedding.

When they might up with Liandrin, she is quite pissed that Elayne and Min are there. But no matter, I guess the other two can come. Whatever. Now let’s book it before the Black Ajah catch on to this shady shit.

And book it they do until they reach a Waygate. The girls are scared, but Liandrin’s got this. The Black Wind won’t bother them. Liandrin will just shoo it away! Easy peasy. It seems like it takes days to travel through the Ways, all the while the girls try to have conversations about Rand without Liandrin overhearing. Egwene dreams again about the “man with fire in his eyes”. Eventually, they finish their Ways journey and end up on the other side.

I imagine the Ways are kind of like those Firebreak sections in the Control video game. Only a lot more twisty and turny. And, also, a Smoke Monster like the one in Lost! Sounds really stupid, right?


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