The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 40: “Damane”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Out of the Waygate and into the hearts of many! Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, Min, Garfunkel, Oates, and Liandrin have made it to Toman Head rather effortlessly through the polluted Ways. Probably because Liandrin is some fuckin’ Darkfriend Black Ajah hag in Red Ajah’s clothing! Calling it now, because fuck her. She fucking sucks. And this chapter will prove it quite further.

Egwene notices the sul’dam and the damane ambling around, plus this one woman named the High Lady Suroth who has half her head shaved. She seems pretty punk, actually. Suroth asks Liandrin to shake a leg, so Liandrin pushes Egwene and Nynaeve forward. Before she knows what the fuck is happening, Egwene gets a collar snapped around her neck.

Egwene sees that he collar is linked to a woman’s bracelet, so she spins around and socks the woman right in the face. This causes Egwene to suddenly double over in pain. When she comes to, she sees Min on the ground and Elayne and Nynaeve gone. The woman with the bracelet is named Ranna, and she’s the sul’dam (Holder of the Leash) to Egwene’s damane (a Leashed One). Leashed Ones are like little Aes Sedai pets, trained to obey fully. Any harm that Egwene brings to Renna will be felt by Egwene two-fold. Killing? Don’t even fucking think about it, kiddo. You’ll die six ways from Sunday before you even hit the ground on your face.

While Egwene learns the ins and outs of being some cunt’s little pet, Suroth and Liandrin argue over the failed capture of Nynaeve. Perhaps Liandrin can fill in? Hint hint? The two have a standoff, and since one is afraid of the other, it doesn’t lead to much other Suroth promising that Liandrin will someday be Leashed. Suroth orders the search to be canceled, that she will waste no more time on it. Liandrin had better do it for them! Meanwhile, Renna and Egwene will soon set off to Falme and then the sea.

Suroth tells Egwene, who begs for Min’s life, that she’ll spare Min as long as Egwene listens to every. goddamned. thing. Renna. says. Later, Renna hurts Egwene for speaking to Suroth and tells her that everything that happens to Egwene is her own fault. Bad dog!

Nynaeve, hiding, ends up finding Elayne and they’re both relieved to see each other. Elayne beats herself up for being a coward and running away, not fit for the royal throne, which causes Nynaeve to slap her around for about 20 minutes. At least she doesn’t have a collar around her neck!

And since Nynaeve heard Suroth mention Falme, they now know where to go next.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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