The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 41: “Disagreements”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Rand and his posse are trudging through a very rainy Toman Head. Hurin is desperately trying to sniff out Padan Fain’s trail while Ingtar is all pissy about wasting time. Both Rand and Verin are pretty insistent that Fain is in Toman Head, specifically the coastal city of Falme. Ingtar doesn’t care. He just wants the Horn of Valere, please.

They hole up for the night and Rand has another one of those thrilling Ba’alzamon dreams. He’s playing chess with him with pieces shaped like erect penises. Also, he keeps calling Rand “Lews Therin” and he promises to kill him and everyone he loves. Rand insists that he is not Lews Therin and he is not the Dragon Reborn and he is not playing chess anymore with such crass chess pieces.

Rand draws up some of that juicy One Power and blows Ba’alzamon back with some force. He does it again, and Ba’alzamon roars that Rand is going to kill himself like an idiot if he keeps it up. Rand doesn’t listen, but he does stumble and fall after tapping out on saidin. Ba’alzamon promises that Rand will die unless he himself teaches Rand how to use the One Power correctly. Then Ba’alzamon vanishes in a puff!

That’s the end of the chapter. They’re starting to get shorter because Robert Jordan was rushing through to get started on the next 13 books.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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