The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 44: “Five Will Ride Forth”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Rand and Company are making their way to Toman Head. They pass through a village where Hurin can confirm Padan Fain had been; Fain smells like nine-week-old hard boiled eggs and stale BBQ Fritos. They hear some Whitecloaks in the distance and skedaddle away on horseback before they think they are noticed and/or followed.

The Whitecloaks in question end up being Geofram Bornhald with his boring-ass side story. He catches a glimpse of Perrin as they all rode off, recognizing him slightly. I don’t remember why this dude recognizes Perrin. Maybe they met in an ICQ chat room back in the day. The takeaway of the Bornhald portion of the chapter is that a) he tells his second-in-command Byar to hang back during the next battle against the Seanchan; he doesn’t expect to live through the battle and he doesn’t want to waste Byar’s life on such as something dumb like a Seanchan battle, b) Bornhald does remember Perrin and wonders whether he was the village blacksmith. Byar denies it, saying that the village blacksmith left over a month ago. Why this is important, I don’t fucking know. I still believe the chat room theory. And c) a Draghkar flies overhead unnoticed. Looking for blood. Or semen.

Later, on the campsite, Rand practices with his sword and Ingtar gives him shit for looking like a spaz. Perrin returns and reports that Padan Fain has moseyed on through the premises toward Falme. Ingtar, eating crow now that he believes Rand and Verin that Falme is the place to be, offers to bring Hurin into town to search for the Horn of Valere. Mat wants to go too since he wants the dang dagger back. Rand’s gonna go too because come on. Perrin and Loial want to go too, but since Perrin said it first, he gets to go, because there can only be five based on some prophecy that MAKES THE RULES. If Verin goes, then the sul’dam and damane will roast her like a fuckin’ pig on a spit. “Five will ride forth.” Name of the chapter, bitch. Deal with it. To illustrate this, Verin draws a circle in the sand with five spokes. She accidentally smudges it, breaking the wheel. It unsettles Rand because he’s easily disturbed like a wimp on a spit.

We’re reaching the home stretch here! Everyone converges to Falme! It’ll be one big happy reunion and they can treat themselves to some McDonald’s after the, you know, Darkfriend slaughter.

Hey, I wrote other posts like this! Check out this shit too please:

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