The Great Hunt (Book 2) – Chapter 46: “To Come Out of the Shadow”

The Wheel of Time - Book 2 - The Great Hunt

Nynaeve, with Seta firmly fastened to her collar and chain, leads everyone to the, uh, damane dormitories. Min, knowing where Egwene is held, takes the group straight to her room. When Egwene sees Seta, she positively horrifies Nynaeve by bellowing that she’d like to put Seta in a pot of boiling water! Nyaneve would like to slap her silly, she would!

With Seta still collared-up, Nynaeve hangs the bracelet on a peg and saidars the collar of of Egwene’s neck. Egwene explains the Nynaeve and the Gang that, while damane are born with the ability to channel, sul’dam can actually learn it. This is apparently a very hush-hush secret and Seta repeatedly denies it over and over again. Moaning and groaning.

Renna enters the room, and before she can really process that Egwene is free, Egwene slams a fucking pitcher right into Renna’s stomach. I’d like to think that Egwene completely destroyed all of Renna’s internal organs, but that is sadly not the case. Egwene then snaps her collar around Renna’s neck and does some really fun torture to her for a bit before Nynaeve stops her. Nynaeve is like “don’t be like them”, but as a reader I would have very much enjoyed Egwene continuing to be just like them for another six or seven pages.

The girls leave Renna and Seta hanging in the room and then leave the building. They see ranks of Seanchan soldiers, and even though Nynaeve suggests walking right past them, Egwene goes nuts and channels some Hellfire that erupts from below the street, sending all the soldiers flying every which way. Nynaeve wants to throw Egwene in a pot of boiling water for that piece of immature business. Fire rains from the sky. Nynaeve starts channeling lightning. The streets fill with terrifying bursts of energy and fire! Help! Where’s Jesus when you need him?

Bayle Domon ain’t got no Jesus, but he’s afraid of the shit going down on land. One of his men is about to cut the rope, but Domon yells at him to keep waiting. If I were Domon I’d be off like a dirty shirt!

Rand and his crew, meanwhile, are trapped in the street with Seanchan soldiers flanking either side. Rand can sense that Egwene is in trouble, but he doesn’t know exactly where that sense is coming from. Ingtar starts gibbering about the “man let into Fal Dara” and not knowing whether the loosed arrow was meant for Siuan or for Rand. Things start clicking for Rand when Ingtar mentions redeeming himself by sounding the Horn and fighting the good fight. Dark Side, baby. Darkfriending around. Rand thinks Ingtar is a good man, and that just wanting to redeem oneself is enough to redeem oneself. Ingtar doesn’t think that’s good enough, the end of chapter implies that Ingtar killed himself as redemption, which is wack but whatever, man! Just trying to get through this book is all!

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